[CPF] Passing the Torch

Day 1,728, 07:06 Published in Canada Canada by Auk Rest

And so the 15th is rapidly approaching, which means party president elections. Whereas last month I ran for the lulz, this time it's serious.

Our great leader Funky Hum24n has decided not to run after serving as PP for so long. Before I even say anything more, a big thank you goes out to Funky Hum24n, Wilhelm Gunter, Saradroz, Klop123, and others who kept the CPF alive in its darkest hour and then led it into resurgence.

I believe it is now time to pass the torch of party presidency to myself, and I will continue the good work of the party presidents who have come before me and will promote the CPF vision and tenets moving forward. And of course I shall help the Blue Moose to come charging back into Congress!

So I would ask you for my vote this 15th, CPF, and trust in me to carry on the legacy of the CPF.

-Auk Rest

TL😉R: Vote for me for PP!