[CPF] Canadian Progressive Front Primary Results

Day 1,747, 16:27 Published in Canada Canada by Auk Rest

Hello again, Canada. Over the past 24 hours the CPF has been involved in a Primary to decide on which candidate to support for CP. Well the totals are in, and it looks like we have a winner!


Congratulations to ElPatoDiablo who won the Primary with 47% of the vote in a race which held six serious contenders, three of whom were from our own party. This was a close race where many had a hard choice to make but ElPatoDiablo pulled through to become our official nominee for CP. Thank you to the runners up and the members of the CPF who voted in this primary. The final full results are as follows:

Aeriala: 6

ElPatoDiablo: 21

IronToader: 4

James “Penguin” McNamara: 3

Tyrael Snow: 8

Wally Cleaver: 3

Again, thank you to everyone who voted and good luck ElPatoDiablo in your run.

ElPatoDiablo's Campaign Article