[CPF] Au Contraire I...oh wait

Day 1,693, 08:38 Published in Canada Canada by Auk Rest

Hello CPF members, I am Auk Rest and I will be running for PP on the 15th. I intend to run a campaign of complete honesty with the voters and so before I begin I want to make some things clear.

First, if I am elected, I am in no way qualified and I do not have enough time or effort to adequately put into the job.

U may be saying and why would I vote for you then? Well I have only been back for a few months following my death a year ago, so how can you trust me with being the PP??

No lying here, you can’t! Just trust that I will do a good job.

Keep the naysayers away though because as PP I will promote the eMoose and eBeaver, and that’s all people really want, right?

You will be glad to know that the CPF is hosting a plethora of candidates on the 15th to oppose the virtual dictatorship of Funky Hum24n, but you should vote for me!

4 those that don’t know, Funky has been elected PP for a long time and has led us extraordinarily well, but that’s just what he wants you to think, Funky is actual a dark overlord!

Please consider me for PP on the 15th and

Please come out to vote Auk Rest on the 15th!