[CP] Updates to a Thriving Community

Day 1,130, 13:39 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

Greetings eIsrael!

Am I glad to see you doing so well!

I honestly don't know what has happened, but these last couple of days have been absolutely incredible for us. Good thing after good thing is happening. I'll get to that in a second, but first...

To all who celebrate it, Have A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy Kwanzaa! We may be eIsrael, but that doesn't mean we don't respect everyone's RL differences. Have A Great Holiday Season!


Only one year to go before we all die at the hands of the Mayans o.O

Ok, part two:


Get on them! ---> http://eisraforum.4u2.co.il/ucp.php?mode=register

Great stuff on there, and it's not just because I am on it. *cough*YESITIS*cough*


EPIC MUSIC: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iP6IUqrFHjw

I love coffee, I love tea, I love the Java Jive, and it loves me!

eIsrael, the IDF exploded into the international scene with its help in the freeing of Australia. Behind huge names, we gained mass notoriety. To all who served, it is my pleasure to be your President at this time, as I am extremely proud with how you all have done. GREAT JOB! 😃


The National Conference of the eIsraeli Economy will take place on Tuesday next week, 28.12.10. It will end when we'll reach to a reform that will be agreed by most of community.

This will be dealt with on the new forums, on IRC, and MSN. We need as much opinion as possible as we help improve our country!

Something I've Learned

Remember Gavin's Article about how you have to kiss ass and basically be the "Old Guard's bitch" to run a successful presidency?

I do.

He's wrong.

So far, I've held a successful presidency. Many people have told me this, and I feel great about it. No, Gavin, you see, you're an idiot. It's the way you interact with eIsrael that defines your term as successful and unsuccessful. The way you go about your business, the way you listen to people and respond to them, THAT defines your presidency. Sadly, you never understood this. Ah well, too bad.

Well, that's all for now eIsrael, hope your enjoying yourselves as we close another eRepublik year. Happy Holidays!

Yours in eIsrael's hands,

Sam Krakower
President of eIsrael