[CP]Transition from one Era to the next...

Day 1,345, 06:42 Published in Egypt Egypt by Varlosh
People of eEgypt,
...Citizens of our Magnificent Nation.

Presidential Annoucement

Due to the events of the Previous weeks, many changes have come by. For one, Egypt became regionless, for another our previous CP, cecenija, got impeached. That meant that I became Country President, by game mechanics.

Seeing as the amount of time left till the next Presidential Election is very short, and seeing as I do not seek reelection next term, the current government team is a transitional one.

Obviously, our main objective is to return the rest of our regions, and rebuild our now weak economy to it's previous level before this month.

Rome, however, was not built in a day.
The recovery process will take far longer than the time till the end of this term, and for it to complete long time, patience and dedication is needed.

I am willing to put in all three; time, patience and dedication. And i hope everyone else will too.

Together, for a greater Egypt!

Cabinet: Click here for the Cabinet Annoucement by the Ministry of Information
Ministry of social development Annoucement
Ministry of information Annoucement
Ministry of Defence Annoucement (coming soon)
Ministry of Internal Annoucement
Preidential Annoucement

Finaly, everyone is once again urged to spend some time everytime in our national chat room here: eEgypt's National Chat, and if anyone needs any help don't hesitate to message me, Ahmed AE or Akhraziel

Loyalty to the End!
Tahya Gomhoret Misr el Arabia,
Long Live Egypt!

Your President