[CP] The Status Quo?

Day 3,716, 05:07 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Het Catshuis

Dear citizens and other readers,

We're roughly halfway into my Presidential term and I have to admit not much has happened. I underestimated the damage the eNetherlands has received over the past couple months. Time has essentially stopped in the eNetherlands and it has become clear that it'll take monstrous effort to get anything moving at all.

I and my small government prepared (starting even before the elections) a campaign to bring back old players by contacting those who had a forum account. As you might have noticed we publicized a lot of articles at the start of the term to create an ideal situation for players their return. This all in an attempt to bring back some enthusiasm and activity in our country, which hopefully would have had a snowball effect. Sadly, however, we didn't receive the cooperation of the forum staff which this plan was based on, despite promises to do so. I don't exactly know why, but I haven't heard for two weeks about it. Does really no one care any more?

Some still do, of course. Which is why I'm not raqequitting just yet, although my motivation has collapsed seeing this lethargy in our eCountry. I have used the past two weeks to define the problems in our country more clearly. As has been become clear, much of country and its institutions/programs have collapsed and is ready for the graveyar😛

- The Monetary Market is no longer used to earn money for our country. This has been going on for several months and essentially means we're missing out on a LOT (relative to our monthly budget) of money. This hasn't been brought up before and certainly is not a topic of discussion on the forum (which hasn't seen messages for over weeks).

- Our Communes are defunct. Despite the eNetherlands having been around 8000 gold to Heikanu and Dave Brinkman to run state factories they haven't been used for months for state purposes. No one knows exactly what their current state is now. Seems like they're now used as freebies for our commune holders (I don't blame them, as they obviously haven't been in contacts with government for ages). My team and I will start new conversations with them to see what is still possible and what is not.

- No more supplies. While eNetherlands has been hoarding more and more money, we haven't been aiding our soldiers. We once created the national MU Dutch Armed Forces to increase our defence efficiency. With the lack of aid and (frankly) the less than desirable current command situation what is even the use of the Dutch Armed Forces? Now even more than ever we need to aid those few that remain loyal to our eCountry!

- The Forum is dead. Over the past couple of months we've only seen a handful of posts. Mostly about irrelevant topics like who is going to lead a zombie Forum Congress. I have given several thoughts on this topic but most of us seem fine with it or have given up all hope. After the next Congress Elections I want to run experiments on bringing it in-game (of course while still keeping faith to the legal rules for now).

All these topics (and there are more) are more or less connected with each other and I hope to poll some feelings by sending out the DAF Survey I proposed at the start of the forum shortly. But more importantly, if you do concern yourself about the eNetherlands, you should come out of your shell and involve yourself with the discussions. Even if not being able to spend hours a day on eRepublik, your opinion and ideas can still mean a lot. Perhaps more so than the supposed active ones that are running in circles marked '2010'.

Kind regards,
Your Country President NoTie112