[CP] Taking it For Ourselves...

Day 3,239, 10:07 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Trito Fisher

Citizens of the Republic,
This article contains pertinent information for every citizen and soldier of eIreland, so don't just read it, share it and make sure everyone knows its content!

This is a short article that is very important! so please pay attention! We have succeeded in our short campaign against New Zealand, they did not put up much resistance, so it is time to focus our strength on our competitors in the South: Uruguay. This would have happened anyway, one of our two countries would have attacked the other to gain complete control of New Zealand, but we decided to take a preemptive strike to nullify this threat. This is not a grudge, simply an opportunity. New Zealand has strategic importance as it bridges South America with Asia. We hope that our occupation will help our allies in some way.

ALSO, once we gain complete control of New Zealand, we will have a 70% food bonus! This is sure to please Irish producers of food 🙂
The NE law has been proposed, and the attack will occur sometime tomorrow, the 2nd of October. Please pay attention to your feeds and PMs in order to coordinate the attack and ensure our success!

Thank you again, and fight well!