[CP] Sunday Meme

Day 4,800, 20:02 Published in Canada Canada by Thedillpickl

Hi kids!

If you will, a tribute to Karl004's efforts to make us chuckle.

Running a country is almost as hard as being the captain of a galaxy class starship. Delegation *cough* helps make things easier.

I'm sick of Groot's crap, chickensguys is PotUS.
Make my problem go away.

MoFA helixer: "There's someone from Argentina on the phone asking about a TW in our cores.".

Tell them damned USA kids to quit bouncing their freakin' basket ball off our garage. It's bad enough they've stomped a mud hole playing on the grass back there.

MANN! MANN!! Where's that phone number for the HOA at?


Somebody tell TemujinBC the stuff he was expecting from Amazon is here.
*dill mumbling*
I wish the damned Cabinet would have their personal shit shipped to their own homes. My private bathroom looks like a gym locker room.


Incriminating evidence to keep Serb robot chopp dks in line...

*softly at first, then a loud belly laugh*

Now, last but not least!

If you mix peppermint schnapps and Mickey's when in the company of certain players you'll either wake up 2 days later with a new tattoo or CP achievement.

Note to self: Next time go for the rainbow unicorn.