[CP] Stuff is happening fast, and it's only February

Day 4,489, 00:03 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Het Catshuis

Greetings citizens of the eNetherlands,

as the end of the term is here, and some things have happened, it is good to summarize them in the article again.

- Following the promises, VAT Tax on Food and Weapons has been lowered, to alleviate tax burden for our producers, and give them an advantage against foreigners and other markets in order to set up international prices. Thanks to Congress for their support.


- Power Spin also happened recently, plunging Gold prices down (although they are recovering fast again), allowing the government ot obtain some cheap Gold on the monetary market. We hope you have managed to win some Jackpots and Gold for yourselves, and you will also have a chance to use all those Stingers, Boosters and Energy Bars not to steal medals from others and causing a scene about it, but to help in our numerous battles.

- Speaking about battles: Natural Enemy Law on UK has been started, and is planned to be accepted. For a long time, UK has been a semi-willing CODE Training Grounds, strengthening their power. Our allies, led by mighty Bulgaria, have already managed to clear up the remnants of CODE (which there were not many of them left, after their latest series of failures and losses), and now we are coming in to help operations in that area (there are still some countries around UK, which might be of particular interest to Netherlands 😉 😉 ) and establish our own Training War with UK, replacing the TW in Baltic, which is becoming less sustainable due to determination. Naturally, since the government considers UK to be a good friend of our nation (we were once in one alliance together after-all), we will not impose anything on UK (like CODE did), but we will be working on a mutual agreement, which will hopefully be finished in the next couple of days (given the fact elections exist, governments change, other countries are involved, etc.). For now, I have been in contact with current President of the UK, and have just reached out to supposed next President of the UK as well to communicate our moves with them. We hope that we will be able to use this opportunity to strengthen our relations with UK, as we take care in having good relations with all our neighbours.


In the end, I would like to ask ALL citizens to vote in the upcoming President elections, for whomever candidate they prefer. It is always good to have as many people voting as possible, in orer to confirm and signify our political activity, amongst the military activity,which we signify in our battles!

Janty F
The concerned Country President of eNetherlands