[CP] On The Natural Enemy Proposal

Day 1,127, 13:50 Published in Israel Israel by Sam Krak

Sup eIsrael.

So the natural enemy law has been proposed again. For Turkey. Again.

No, we're not doing it. Pointless and starts up old problems all over again. I got this in my inbox a couple days ago:


I am the current Minister of Economics in eTürkiye, and have been in the position for 5-6 months. Although I have an official position within the government, my message will be unofficial.

The invasion of eCyprus that has taken place in the past few weeks was due to my economic analysis that we required to have the regions to produce grain and food efficiently. The RL reasons and the xenophobia of the Greeks who got control of the state of eCyprus were only additional reasons for the invasion; not the primary one.

From an economic viewpoint, there is absolutely nothing in eIsrael that eTürkiye will ever need. However, as seen in our countries aggression against eGreece, if the populace garners enough distrust for the other side, not even the most respected thinkers cannot prevent the declaration of war.

In the past, I was one of the people who tried to establish lasting peace between eIsrael and eTürkiye. In the past month, I have also commented on the issue in some of the articles in the eIsraeli media, although it might not have been noticed.

Back then I proposed to be the bridge between two countries to reach a lasting peace agreement. My offer still stands today.

But if the natural enemy legislation of eIsrael passes, there is nothing on Earth that can prevent warfare. In fact, it is very probable that the war-lovers in our country might suggest switching targets from eGreece to eIsrael due to the easier victory.

Hence, I implore you to stop the madness that is happening in Knesset. eTürkiye and eIsrael have made many wrong decisions in the past, which are hard to repair; but if this legislation passes, the antipathy gathered in eTürkiye might not be quenched until after eIsrael gets wiped off the map.

I do not want a war to happen between two countries who have nothing to gain from it. I personally promise that, if the legislation fails, then I will gladly help you establish a lasting peace agreement between our countries.

As I have mentioned, these are all my personal ideas, and do not bind our government. However, I have a strong say in the government, and might be of assistance.

Best regards,

(I'm gonna leave his name out)

I also received this:

Shabbat Shalom,

If you have any hand for rejection of such a law that claims Turkey as a "natural enemy", please accept my thanks.

I am also a Turkish citizen in real life and currently studying in Bar-Ilan. Hope our nations will never fight in this game, and I assure you I'll do my best to prevent any war.

Mazel tov

(Again, keeping the name out)

This blew me away. If the Turks are trying this hard to keep peace, we have no reason, no right to consider them our Natural Enemy. I hope everyone, not just Knesset Members, considers this when voting.

Thank you, and have a good day.

Maybe it is possible, after all

Yours in eIsrael's hands,

Sam Krakower
President of eIsrael