[CP] MPP Vote, MoE, and Albanian TW

Day 3,375, 16:56 Published in Ireland Ireland by King Trito Fisher

Citizens of the Republic,

First things first. The Dublin Commune has held a vote on the 6 MPPs we should take next month, here are the results:
MPP Vote Result:
1. Hungary 11 votes
2. USA 10 votes
3. Russia 9 votes
4. Chile 6 votes
5. (FOUR-way tie!)
Brazil, Greece, Sweden, Argentina
I'm not going to bother putting up the results of the rest of the countries (all had either one or two votes each)

We are holding a subsequent vote to see which two countries we should choose in the four way tie (unless someone is willing to fund two extra MPPs)

In other news, my Minister of Education (who I originally selected to be part of my government but was not active immediately after I became CP), Johannes Cauf, has published a well written educational article for our newer citizens. It is on the politics module. Please give it a vote!
Educational Article!

Also, Albania has unilaterally left our Training War. I received no communication from the Albanians prior to their leaving us. This disappointed me; however, the government is in the process of finding other military ventures to keep eIreland busy!

I've also had detailed conversations with Sweet Drinker and David Allenkey about market subsidies. We are working on this. Stay tuned!
