[CP] Manifesto part 2/3 : Foreign Affairs and Military

Day 895, 03:57 Published in Belgium United Kingdom by Apotygma

Welcome back to read my second manifesto (first one can be found here) , here is will talk to you about military and foreign affairs. Both are closely linked and essential to a country. As a neutral country, foreign affairs should be one of our main areas, talking with our neighbors and the big alliances, being aware of what is going on to be prepared. If something happens around us and that could threaten us, WE HAVE TO BE AWARE.

http://www.erepublik.com/images/parts/icon-law_valid.gif ">Improved embassy system
http://www.erepublik.com/images/parts/icon-law_valid.gif ">Presence around the world
http://www.erepublik.com/images/parts/icon-law_valid.gif ">Better relation with neighbours

Foreign affairs should become one of the main focuses of my administration. Only a few things happened this month, some embassies where settled in the countries around us, which is a good thing, but it is not enough. Having an ambassadors is just not enough, we need someone active on their forum that can warn us if something is said there about us. Someone that can interact, that will be on their national IRC and represent us. Just having a post saying : “Hello this is our government” is just NOT ENOUGH.

I would by this like to improve our embassy system. One person should only be responsible for 1 or 2 countries, and only 1 of our direct neighbors. A presence on their IRC is also mandatory, even if it is only to say ‘hello, I am ambassador of eBelgium, if you have any question, please ping or PM” and this every time you log in.

Secondly, we should have a presence on the forums of the great alliances. Phoenix have their official forum, but no Belgian has ever set foot there to ask for an ambassador mask. We need to be over there so that we can talk to them, same for EDEN. We are, again, not living on an island and a isolationist politic is not was this country needs !

http://www.stella-aviation-academy.nl/img/bullet_arrow_white_orange_right.png"> EDEN
http://www.stella-aviation-academy.nl/img/bullet_arrow_white_orange_right.png"> PHOENIX
http://www.stella-aviation-academy.nl/img/bullet_arrow_white_orange_right.png"> SOL


http://www.erepublik.com/images/parts/icon-law_valid.gif ">Rebuild our military
http://www.erepublik.com/images/parts/icon-law_valid.gif ">Have fun

Currently our military force is inexistent and this is not good for us. We need to focus on the importance of increasing your rank, fight everyday and then heal. Increasing your rank is not only a way to improve, but also the best way to ensure that you are growing and protecting your country ! Having a highly trained military force will allow us the keep our stands and defend what we believe in. If we have no one to defend ourselves militarily, every single person that whishes will be able to invade us.

How can we improve this? For the moment, all this is under the condition that we have the financial means to do so, but my plan is to create military companies where people can work against minimum wage and get free guns every day. Some of our military would probably be sent abroad to produce iron, but also provided with free guns. This would allow them to increase their ranks rapidly and defend us when necessary. No deployments are planned as we didn’t join an alliance, but still possible if requested AND approved by our congress.
This system would of course require the reinstatement of a military force, with commander and squads. Better organized than it is now, obviously.

Secondly, we need to issue more military articles, even only to give orders, explain when the next battle will be or organize a strike. This is mostly for fun, but can bring people together and make them bond : which is my main goal ! My goal is to improve our average strength. It is only 3 at the moment making us rank among the lowest in the world. This should be improved through player retention and fun !

So this was it for the Foreign Affairs or military. If you have any question or comment, please feel free to write it in the comments and I’ll try to answer you as fast as possible.


Candidate CP
May 2010