[CP] Labour Day

Day 1,749, 18:49 Published in Canada Canada by Jacobi

Labour Day, September 3, Day 1749.

Quebec is back, Newfoundland is back, Nova Scotia should be joining us momentarily. Poland could NE us, and knock us down like a piñata in direct wars, but they can’t escape the truth that they are holding too many countries at the same time. There’s a limit, and Poland is experiencing that limit. Oh, but to be clear to all the Polish trolls who will accuse me of “lying”, yes I’m certainly aware that having to fight a few wars at the same time does complicate matters somewhat and etc etc etc. The point still stands: if you have a lot of battles to win, you might not win all the battles.

The Next President must manage the American relationship carefully. It is silly to make presumptions but I can see vividly a future with the United States shunted into a CTRL like alliance and I can see a future country that will NE Canada again. People asked me, perhaps semi-seriously, whether AA had a deal with Poland to divvy up Canada between the US and Poland – I certainly doubt it. But if their relationship is formalized by a future alliance I can expect them to have a similar conversation depending on resource needs and various considerations.

I’ve been wrestling with writing this, but in the interests of making sure people are aware of how things have progressed, it does not take a cynic to notice that the Spanish colonies that Civil Anarchy proposes to dump could be easily replaced by a future administration attacking Canada.

That brings me to the elephant in the room: Terra is dead. It fell into a deep coma when the US and Brazil left, now populated by a bunch of medium powers with a lot of love but little coordination. I enjoy France and Germany and I will gladly set prio for either one of those countries. Colombia has proven to me that it’s an ally Canada needs to keep. Frankly I didn’t have a lot of conversations with either Russia or Cyprus but that might simply have been an off month for them. But effectiveness in a formal alliance has to be considered, and effectiveness no longer has any tenuous connection with Terra. The next President will have to decide with Congress where the future of Canada lies. Will it be with EDEN, will it be tying our horse to the Americans, will it be a hodgepodge of independent ties to various old friends in numerous alliances? Future Presidents ought now to be speaking about the direction they believe our country needs to head.

In August, Ministry of Internal Affairs prepared an article and PM with helpful tips for players just starting their game in eRepublik. Just over 100 players were contacted and given tips/links to such things as the Ministry of Health put on by Doctor of Souls. More could be done to reach out to new players and it would mainly be done by ‘grinding’ through party membership list and MU rosters to find new players hanging on at the bottom. The few replies to these MIA PMs mainly consisted of (to quote one person yesterday): “Thank you for the info it's much appreciated. Although, this information would have been much more useful when I first started the game.”

The best way to get that info to new players sooner is to have an active MIA next month with even more active deputies. In fact, this does not even need to be an official Ministry…mentorship of any sort can be taken on by any group of likeminded players.

I’ll will be publishing one more “wrap up” article tomorrow, otherwise comments, concerns, or questions? My door is open.