[CP] First Article

Day 1,447, 18:01 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bhane

Wow... a tie.
Fair play, Chew. I think either one of us would make a fine CP.

This is my introductory article to let all of Eire know my thoughts and plans for this term. If you are expecting me to be a savior, and fix all the ills in eRep, then prepare for disappointment. Calm down, and lower your expectations. Let's see if we can get some good things started, and then go from there.

The VP is a position of no real authority. Typically, the VPs in the real world are given the burden of many ceremonial duties, and photo ops. My VP is Loyen. Congratulations Loyen, you have been thrust into the political spotlight, and you now have an impressive title to add to your CV.

I'm not foolish enough to mess with a good thing. Anthony Colby, and Irasian are doing excellent work with new citizens and the Irish community. I do not intend to interfere, and I hope they will continue their good work. If anyone is interested in getting their toe wet in politics, I highly recommend contacting one of them to see if there are some deputy tasks you could do to lighten their load. I endorse anyone they wish to proclaim as a deputy minister this term.

Our economy is growing, and people are investing in eIrish owned companies. I have high hopes for the long term strength of our economy. Taxes are in excellent shape, and no changes need to be made. Sweet is going to back off being so active in the game for a bit, after a tough month of being CP. I will appoint Sweet as MoF, only as a custodian of the bank. I hope Sweet will hold the bank PW for the month, no matter how inactive he gets. There are no MoF duties needed this month. My administration will need no access to the bank. When we need more IEP for MPPs, I will donate enough of my personal funds to the treasury for them.

I'm sure this is the topic most people want to know about. Our game of cat and mouse fell apart when ONE pushed into North America. The strengths of TEDEN were pulled elsewhere, and Canada could no longer focus on eEngland. If you are expecting a strategy to take back our island immediately, then you have unrealistic goals. We have no MPPs, and our allies are focusing elsewhere. Our small country must find a new tact.

This month I will start by focusing on rebuilding our MPP portfolio. As I said before, I will personally donate enough IEP to pay for MPPs when the treasury is not enough.

My ultimate goal is to control all 7 of our regions. But, we are not in a situation where we can even consider strategy to do that, yet. I doubt we can own all 7 regions by the end of the term, unless there is a substantial change in the geo-political situation we are currently in. As long as TEDEN's strengths are being pulled to North America, we won't have access to much of their damage output. Any long term strategic plans can be quickly undone by the ever changing socio-political environment of eRep.

You can trust that I will react changing events with the best interest of Eire in mind. Once we rebuild our MPPs, I will talk with the MoD about developing a strategy that is apt to whatever our current situation might be. My realistic goal for the term is to strengthen our MPP relationships so that we can have success later on. At the very least, we can set the stage for some significant military success in the next term.

Defense leadership:
So, who is the MoD? I have been asked that more than a few times today. Let me start by saying I have every confidence that all the MUs of Eire are devoted our beloved homeland. I trust that they all set BOs for what they consider to be Eire's patriotic best interests. I choose to embrace this devoted chaos, rather than fight against the tide. I ask the MUs to each send me a name or two of people that I can include in a council to discuss things like the COTD, and minor strategic needs.

We are not a nation of conforming rigid military command structure...

We are horde of Celtic Laochra (Celtic Heroes)...

Later in the month, I actually will need a real MoD. I am accepting mails from everyone who wishes to apply, or just share some advice on whom they would like to see as MoD, and why. Everyone's input will be appreciated.

Foreign Relations:
Officially, JohnSmith 2K9 is my MoFA. JohnS will be acting as my envoy.
The more important foreign relations position this month is the deputy MoFA. The deputy MoFA is... YOU! That's right, it's you.

All eIrish are welcome to network with their friends in foreign lands and contact me about potential MPPs. My ears are open to all countries that want to create a relationship with Eire for the mutual defense of our nations. I can't promise I will sign all MPP offers, since there is a limit our funds. Obviously I would not sign up for a MPP with an enemy of our friends, like Canada and Croatia. But, my door is open, and every country is welcome to at least have a discourse.

I know that the IRC issue is a sore spot for some citizens. I limit myself almost entirely to in-game communications of mails/shouts/articles/comments. Excluding myself from these sites helps me view the goings-on of eIreland from the perspective of the average citizen.

That being said, I will have a presence in IRC. Brent Wyrick has agreed to be my irc emissary. I hope you will allow him into any conversations that you would want me to be a part of. He will be my eyes and ears in the irc world. You can always mail me with anything you need to chat about, but if you must use irc, then please share with Brent, and he will let me know.

Thank you Brent, for being my irc liaison.

Cheers to all of Eire!
No CP can have a successful term on their own. It takes the support of our whole nation. Let's make November a great month!

P.S. I'm sorry for the tl;dr necessity of this article.