[CP] Failed Agreement

Day 4,795, 20:43 Published in Canada Canada by Thedillpickl

Good evening Canada,

I come to you this election night as a troubled public servant. Whether or not you believe I have Canada's best interests at heart is up to you. Failure is a very bitter word and I choke on it. But that's where I'm at tonight, hat in hand, asking your forgiveness. Allow me to explain the situation.

Recently I called for Congress to NE the United States for their agression toward Israel, our Orion ally. After being contacted by the United States and after considering the ramifications of an attack I decided for diplomacy and asked Congress to vote NO, which they did. The result of that diplomacy was the United States withdrawal from and reparations paid to Israel.

In return the United States requires a written agreement so there is no other misunderstandings. Also, they now want a ping pong style Training War between our countries. So, after a couple revisions I've drafted the following agreement.

Lasting Agreement
The United States of America

This Agreement shall hereby be named and referred to in all prevailing documents as the Brolliance Agreement (2021).

It is understood that the United States of America and Canada are indeed sovereign nations, wholly independent and by their free will entering into this Lasting Agreement and do promise to keep the following without fail.

1. Acknowledge the sovereignty of the other nation, their right to govern and manage their own affairs.
2. Remain at all times on their side of the shared border. Exception to be made ONLY by written agreement of mutual consent.
3. It is understood each nation is fully capable and at liberty to join any alliance and enter into friendly relationships with other nations as seen fit by their ruling government without interference or harassment.
4. Further, as a member of any such alliance, it is understood that any promise to defend the sovereignty of an alliance member, either under attack or during occupation makes this agreement null and void.
5. Any successful Natural Enemy vote or Declaration of War and as a result the attack of the other nation terminates this agreement.
6. Both countries agree to a mutual Training War. The attacks shall be "ping pong" style where the countries alternate between attack and defense. The defender shall always win so that no region is actually taken. It shall be the attacking country's responsibility to prevent the defender losing the TW regardless of the cause. If the defending region is lost, within a 90 day period, the following penalties shall ensue:
A. Upon 1st loss, the attacking country shall, as soon as possible, support a Resistance War in the lost region and make every effort to have the war be successful.
B. Upon 2nd loss, by the same country, the attacking country shall, perform section A above and deposit, at the defending country's direction as to which account, a penalty of 400,000 country currency.
C. Upon 3rd loss, by the same country, the attacking country shall, perform section B above and the Training Wars shall cease for the remainder of the 90 day period.

Hereby affirmed and agreed to by the following signatories...

President of the United States of America

President of Canada, Président du Canada

MoFA of the United States of America

MoFA of Canada, MoFA du Canada

Congressional Aproval

Although it's not proper to publicly disclose what is said on the Congress PM, I can let you know they were displeased. I explained that I did not have many options on how to make up the agreement. An agreement like this is basically a contract. Contracts cannot be made flexible or adaptable to unforeseen changes. So I tabled my attempt and asked them to create something more fitting. When they have something I will present it to the United States for their approval.

To expedite this situation I had allowed PotUS access to view the working document online. While not standard practice, I was returning a gesture of goodwill when releasing Israel.


Hopefully this situation can be resolved quickly. With the United States joining Apollo we are all on the same side now. With a little cooperation this can remain a tiny blip on the timeline of a long future working together.

President of Canada