[CP Elections] Chopp 4 CP

Day 3,271, 23:12 Published in Canada Netherlands by Eduard Douwes Dekker


Like title said I am running for Country President.
After this month when we had opportunity to play war games another month with determination reset is ahead of us.
Boring? Probably but last one wasn't 😛

If I win we'll follow the course we had recently and actively work with our alliance members from Orion in everything. We have close relationship with Serbia, Romania and the rest of Asteria alliance and we'll try to make those relationships even better. The same goes to other friendly countries all over the eWorld.

If we have a chance we'll get involved in any war we can to provide citizens a good fight and a chance to waste some of those Energy Bars. Due our rental/protectin agreement with Serbia and Romania we already have almost every day Resistance War in our rented territories. That means we have no problem with True Patriot damage but the real war is something that brings excitement and fun, if those two still exist in this game 😃

Tantis, who recently came back in the game, made Discord channel for us so we can all chat in free time. Our IRC channel is kinda dead so I guess we can try this. In game group-messages will still be our primary way of communication for me but that Discord chat is not that bad. He put a lot of work in it. You can join here.

Since I came back here in eCanada in Septebmer 2015 I was holding many positions dealing with Govt and Congress. Some of them like Minister of Education(6 times) and Speaker of Congress(2 times) I took cuz no one wanted to do those jobs. I was Party President of "The Canadian Progressive Front" 3 times and 13 times Congress members. At this moment I am Prime Mister in Connor's Govt and I was Country President month before.
Last 5 months I spend in Orion alliance, our alliance Headquarters. I was Advisor 2 times, Deputy Secretary of Foreign Affairs 2 times and Deputy Secretary General once. Orion is not huge player in this eWorld but we all work together and try to do our best from what we got cooperating with our friends outside of the alliance.


Prime Minister: Connor MacLeod

Minister of Defense: Xichael
vMoDs: Mrischmasch, Wilhem Klink

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Exalted Druid

Governor: TemujinBC

Minister of Education: Utat

Advisors: screamingslave, Clorofila, Goran Thrax, Punisher 1389, Rylde.

That's all folks! I wish all the best to other candidates and good luck who ever wins this elections 🙂

Thank you for reading this and don't forget to vote and subscribe. I want that 2nd Media Mogul Medal even if I don't deserve one 😛

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