[CP] Country need help...RW fund

Day 2,123, 07:28 Published in Malaysia Chile by Khairunnaim Khairuddin
Assalamualikum and salam 1eMalaysia


Please support it...need 4 people to start it

RW's Fund

Today i am launching a new fund that called as RW's Fund.

This Fund are to compensate RW sponsor in form of money..and to encourage more sponsor among citizen..the risk will be divide between government and citizen

Total Fund
The fund will be started with 6000cc

Term and condition

1.Can only be claimed by emalaysia citizen
2.This only apply for RW that organized by government (with CP permission)
3.Can only be claimed if no medal awarded to the sponsor (BH,TP,CH and Resistant medal)
4.The amount of payment are 500cc (half of what they pay)
5.Not compulsory to be claimed (rich citizen are not encourage to claimed)
6.This apply during my term only (depend on next CP to continue it or not)
7.Claim can be made directly to our eMalaysia's Govenor

Latest Update

eindo are busy handling their south territory from to be snatch by eAustralia..So for the time being sabah will not become their main priority..for us we just follow the world flow..because it is impossible for us to drain down epaki defend shield by our own..

ethai government also not responding well with our request to give back sarawak..we will try to negotiate more with them..for now..we only can try by RW.. we will try to organized few RW at sarawak before end of this mission

thank you

Loyal citizen

Khairunnaim Khairuddin
eMalaysia's President