[CP Campaign] The Army of Singapore

Day 956, 10:12 Published in Singapore Singapore by Tommy Aquinas

Much ado about nothing was the military debate in the last presidential campaign. In that there was much ado, and then nothing happened. Considering this is a military game, that was kinda disappointing. So a big effort has been planned for this term. The radical change of V2 means that our military will also change radically. This is a big challenge, but we will try to meet it head on. There is a whole military structure and policy in the works, but due to the mammoth task, it will take a while to implement. I'll give you the Cliff Notes version:

* Our military will have 5 companies - a Q1 company in each military skill and a Q2 Tickets company. These have already been acquired in preparation for the V2 changeover. With our Q2 moving tickets company maxed out at itinerary, we will be able to deploy everywhere in the world apart from the USA/Canada.

* All Singaporean citizens (above Strength 3.5/Rank Sergeant or V2 equivalent) will henceforth be considered part of the Singapore army. Rather than going through the task of recruiting, citizens will have the option of opting out instead. Our two CO's have the task of maintaining and updating the roster, while the Minister for Defence will oversee their work and co-ordinate with Alliance Military operations.

* There will be 6 divisions (although in reality 5). One of them (which I have nicknamed "Top Gun&quot😉 will be for new citizens to train up and learn how to fight in the military module, and will be for the equivalents of Strength 0 to 3.25. There will be 4 other divisions are Homeguard (one for each Skill) which will be overseen by two Commanding Officers. Members of Homguard above Strength equivalent of 15 will also be considered members of the elite Torchwood division, which means they are eligible for tanking and Alliance Military Operations. It's the equivalent of a football player getting called up for international duty, they're available for both teams.

* All citizens will be eligible for deployment. However, there are two conditions.

Number 1: You must be on IRC/eRep chat before and during the battle to receive any supplies and

Number 2: You will have to work a couple of days in the military company on your return to Singapore to build supplies.

* Soldiers will be messaged with all military and organisational procedures in due course. CO's and MoD will manage the companies.

We will make our military work. It may take some time, but stick with it, and we'll get it done.


Tommy Aquinas
Presidential nominee