[CP campaign] Myself, Presidential Goals and Running Mate

Day 951, 10:03 Published in Singapore Singapore by Tommy Aquinas
Tommy Aquinas is running for President.

The run currently has the support of Singapore Republican Party, Birthday Party, Singapore National Unity Party, Majulah Singapura and the srnth is awesome party (now known as the "Tommy Aquinas is my hero" party). Still waiting on the New Green Party to complete the set 😛

Running mate

Due to my lack of any e-wife, my running mate will be none other than Bruce Winch. Bruce is my no-man, he's lets me know if I'm going wrong. He is also experienced in economics and will be keeping his eye on domestic affairs as my eyes wander to the myriad of foreign affairs issues Singapore faces.


For those of you who I haven't had the opportunity to speak to, I'm Irish in rl, and am currently on my summer holidays from work. For some reason, I'm going to give extra time to this game 😛 Big fan of music, soccer, GAA (look it up on youtube!) as well as giving out about everything in real life. Where do I stand on the economic/political spectrum? I'm an ambitious pragmatist, an idealistic realist. I have no problem dreaming up crazy schemes, as long as they are practical.

Presidential goals

Personally I think the presidential goals is a pointless module, but they do have one bright spot. It is time for revenge. Revenge for hours in front the screen, leaving us tearing our hair in frustration. How could they be so cruel, force such excruciating pain on us?

Increase population: 1%
Increase GDP: 1%

And a bit of fanfare:

Control regions: Paris!

That's right, it is time for us to seek revenge for having to watch France in the World Cup. Never again should they be allowed infest our screens, indeed, take up any more minutes of our lives!

Stay tuned for Foreign Affairs, Defence, Finance, Security and Community policies, as well as my excellent team for the month ahead!

Yours in service,

Tommy Aquinas