[CP Campaign] Media blackout, Foreign Affairs and Finance

Day 955, 10:48 Published in Singapore Singapore by Tommy Aquinas

What our friends will look like when we don't give them any attention

In my last election article, I extended the hand of welcome and offered an invitation to take part in a unified Singapore government to our new arrivals. I was unfortunately promptly refused. Therefore, I believe our method should focus on boycotting any media articles or comments produced by our friends, as we are just wasting our time otherwise. However, I think a satisfied *yawn* might suffice.

Foreign Affairs

Nope. There'll be no wild promises about Foreign Affairs. Best keep our feet firmly to the ground. My Foreign Affairs policy will be threefold - setting up a working ambassador system, helping our friends abroad in military operations where possible, but most importantly, becoming a founding and leading member of a new alliance (currently under discussion in this and other countries).


Our ambassadors will have 3 roles:

1. To publish our cabinet list in their country's forum/media and invite that country to send an ambassador to Singapore
2. To hang out in their media and chat rooms, have a laugh and get to know people
3. To read the country's news daily and message me reports or links to interesting articles. This will have the triple function of keeping us up to date on the goings on of countries, allowing us to have an international section for our Daily Update and also making sure that if a friend is in need, we are in a position to offer help.

I have divided our ambassadors to 11 regions or groups of countries, based loosely on alliances and/or regions. You can find the list here. I think one of my ambassadors may have dropped dead during the last week. I wasn't invited to the e-funeral, so if you're interested in taking an ambassadors postion, please pm me.


Sol is gone. Singapore and other nations are coming together to help form a new, more organised, military alliance. Discussions have gone well, the charter and organisational structures appear to be agreed or nearly agreed, and its something that will be a central plank of my month in the spotlight in Singapore. Prominent members of Singapore have been mailed a copy, and if you're interested in reading over the proposed charter, please feel free to pm me.


The responsibilities of the Finance Department will be


Record revenue daily so that we can live within our means, budget and double budget departments, and keep transparent records on spending (how much, why and when)

Money market

Keep a stable currency at 1 SGD = 0.02g / 1g = 50 SGD. Thus they will need to manage printing and selling SGD as well as balancing both sides of the money market.

Work with companies

Maintain the active company register and offer advice to companies on the upcoming economic modules, and process any loan applications

Economic analysis and tax review

If possible, Provide an analysis of the active economy (number of companies vs number of employees vs demand and supply on market vs wages) and provide a report on where the shortfalls are occuring. A review of certain taxes (up or down) may be needed and will be a discussion for the congress and advisor teams.

Stay tuned for the big three articles: Defence, Community and the Cabinet.


Tommy Aquinas
Presidential nominee

If you didnt catch the previous campaign articles, here they are:

Myself and Presidential goals
Introduction and Security