Day 2,601, 01:32 Published in Switzerland Republic of Moldova by Sisk

Hello mixed citizens and beautiful ladies,

No Woman, No Cry cause the sun will shine and then the rain will fall over the titans that oppressed [*Archaic] this small and beautiful country. As i have promised in the first article i will try to explain my point of view on the situation we are currently in and how i see the future.

... for now we`ve lost the keys of our lands ; but not : "the light in our eyes ,the fire in our hearts that heats the lightning in our hands ". We can still manage to steal the kiss of our enemies and have the sweetest victory that life can give to us : the love and the respect of the others. Even if times will change the victory will always be ours , cause a stolen kiss can never be taken back.

Now talking to a more serious note eSwitzerland was never a brute force , that could overtake the economical power or imposing military damage that Titans can deal over the flower of knowledge.
... but eSwitzerland was always a burning soul that never surrendered his love for knowledge and always been there for those in need of support.

If we ever want to overpass the bounds of our existence in this political/ military climate we need to change the way we look at enemies and find out that friendship can break all the walls that history raised.
More about this we will read each other in PART 3 of [ CP ] ATTACK ON TITAN.