[CP] AirStrike from Chile !

Day 3,018, 10:33 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Swiss Federal Chancellery

Swiss Confederation
Federal State Release
AirStrike from Chile

Hello everyone !

I'm writting this article to denounce the AS (AirStrike) from our "ally" Chile. In order to know the currently situation, let's me to explain the story of this act. One week ago, the MoFA of Chile asks us (me and mungos) if we agree to be AS in order to help Italy. Of course he said us they will return the taxes and liberate the country after they help Italy (attack Slovenia).

But like Switzerland has an agreement with Slovenia and we don't want to break it, we refuse to be AS. So we said to Chile to find another target. Chile is strong so they can AS France or another european country without attack an ally !

So Chile finds another target and try to liberate an austrian region under slovenian domination. But they fail to liberate the region to AS Austria. And now they decide to AS an ally which have MPP with Spain, Macedonia and Indonesia because they fail. Then how can we trust an ally which AS us when we said no ? The answer is easy for the swiss government, it's : we won't trust anymore because they don't care about our situation.

Even if we're weak, we'll fight to defend our country against an "ally". It seems only Switzerland though Chile was an ally. For them, we're just a target/landing ground. And it's not the first time they did it !

Be ready and fight for Switzerland o7

Thanks to Colonel Bruce and with the help of Wafrey II, we get 3 regions our instead of 1 region. But with the AS, Chile will erase us again !

amaro62 is looking for any swiss citizen who is interested to be ambassador in order to make a Swiss Diplomatic Corps (SDC). If you want to be ambassador, send him a message 🙂

Have a nice day !

Kind regards,

President of eSwitzerland