[CP] A time of preperation

Day 1,451, 02:30 Published in Ireland Ireland by Bhane

Hail, citizens of Eire!

Firstly, I would like to welcome 2 new faces to Eire.

Marcolefort97 is our newest ambassador from France.

Sorin_Mitrea is our newest Ambassador from Romania.

I am sure you will join me in welcoming them to our eIrish community. Please add them to your friend list, so they may see our shouts, and other conversations in our community.

My defense council for November consists of a prominent member from these MUs.

Gallo - Anaille Kolshire
Libertad - Grainne Ni Mhaille
ICA - ChewChewShoe
Labour - F. Castro
Laochra - Alexander_George
EA - Bassy

We are searching for a singular MoD rep for the month. In the meantime, this team is more than capable of taking care of military decisions. Unaffiliated citizens deserve to be let in on the plans, so I will share my directions to the team so far. I am doing my part by building a MPP portfolio in order to strengthen a push to take back our homeland later in the term. For now, I call on the eIrish to fight abroad. Help friends in other countries, so we may call on their aid when the time comes. We can push back against ONE around the globe, it will just take some TEDEN teamwork.

The message for new citizens is long overdue for a change. However, I am a lazy, lazy man. 😉
Therefore, I am having a contest for writing the new citizen message.

I would like it to be a general greeting to our community, rather than including the exact current status of the country (like being wiped). That way, the greeting will still be apt as geo-political situations change. I would like it to include some words about Irish pride, and strength. I would like to see a warm welcome to our community that invites them to participate in the media with articles and comments. A link to Irasian's guide would probably be a good idea for new players ( http://tinyurl.com/6ekvrfe ). Nobody wants a tl;dr that players will just ignore, so keep it short and sweet.

Please mail me any submissions for the new message directly to me. Whomever writes the message that I use will receive 20 Q5 tanks, and the 100 Q5 food it takes to use them.

Be well,