[Conway] Congress

Day 1,526, 13:25 Published in Ireland Ireland by MrConway
Citizens of Ireland,

Tomorrow I am asking for your vote in the congressional elections. I will be running in Louth under the Irish Progressive Party.


Commander of the Irish Army
For almost a month now I’ve been leading the Irish Army, I like to think I’ve done a good job and not once has any soldier who filled in the supply form missed a days drop. I hope I’ve done well for these soldiers. I’ve led them into battles where the Irish tricolour is flashing across my screen as we build up our damage.
The Irish Army - Always In The Fight.

Minister of New Citizens
MUFC92 asked me to be his Minister of New Citizens for his term, to be honest I would rate my performance as fair. It really is a harder job then most people think and with the work I put into the Irish Army I ain't fully committed to this Ministry. However this ministry shouldn't’t even exist. The citizens of Ireland should look at who is online and if they see a new guy, say hello and welcome him, it’s really my tactic.
Message and friend New Players.

Irish Social Front
This is one of my projects that’s died down but in its prime I felt it was a success. I aimed at increasing the current activity levels within our current population and whether it was down to my project or not our activity really has increased among our players. Fair play to Dan Breen, John Gormley and Ronan Donavan who seem to publish an article everyday. If we want to retain new players we really need to have something extra for them to do besides push the Fight button.
Media = Activity

I proposed the very first new tax introduction for Ireland. It was brought down after but its back up again. I am in complete support of our new tax system as really it benefits our Nation. These taxes buy us the much needed MPP’s and are now helping new Government Initiatives thrive. Funding for the cost of raw materials for Irish Military Units, this reduces the amount of supplies we have to sell as a MU to buy in our RM’s which means we can supply our soldiers better. Also the Saltpeter Program is another great project as it will help bring down WRM on the market and eventually lower prices of weapons in the marketplace, try get involved with this project.
Support the new tax system.

United Kingdom
We all hate them, lets be honest but we need to keep this war going. As the leader of Libertad said to me today “wiping the UK isn’t defending your country”. Truth is, it is. The only way to stop your enemy nation from attacking you is by attacking them. Ask any Irish person and they will tell you the British want to wipe us, they enjoy it more than anything, we need to keep attacking them to defend ourselves.
Wipe the British.

I hope I've convinced a few people to vote for me 🙂