[CONTEST] - 5k INR to be won!

Day 1,623, 15:22 Published in India India by ArawnLives

There's a bit of an explanation before I get into the competition. Ignore this bit and scroll down if you just want to know how to get your hand on the money. 🙂

There certainly is a lot of boredom in the air. Let's consider why.

Module by Module

The admins have properly jacked us on this one, for sure. There is absolutely no point in running companies and creating produce anymore - the value of currency is at near zero, because buying gold is more important in the general search for using all players of this game as cash cows.

I know many players who have sold their companies to buy Q2 or Q3 training grounds as getting the Super Soldier medal is of higher bloody importance, as you make gold regularly from it. I know I did it - but people running WRM based games have completely been screwed over. Sucks, but it is as it is. There is almost no benefit to it anymore.

The less said about this, the better. It's impossible to get a 1000 subscriptions in this game from eIndia - we don't have those many citizens. In fact, the average number of subscriptions numbers below 40, which is just embarrassing.

Too much has been said about this with reference to eIndia already. But having the True Patriot medal does make things more interesting, and the fact that India is having a war (even if it is a training war) means there's a lot of gold people are making. Excitement all around, there. 🙂

Meh, it's honestly the most active and the most boring. People fighting over seats like they really care and not because they just want the gold sicken me.

I'm sorry about the wall of text - here's what this article really is about.

I declare unilaterally that I wish to hold an article writing competition to reinvigorate the media. We hear far too much about how the game is boring, and various solutions are suggested - I feel strongly about this, and want to put my money where my mouth is.

I offer 5000 INR to the person writing the best article - it can be about ANYTHING whatsoever.

The quality of the article will be determined by three judges - I have decided on this unilaterally, but I thought these three people would certainly make for interesting judges.

1. King Hannibal of ASIA
2. Alector
3. Sharry

I have PMed each of them individually. People might question why these three people - well, honestly, I think it would remove any question of there being any kind of bias, if all 3 were there. 😛

Because they will be denied an opportunity to take part in this competition, to sweeten this deal I shall be giving 500 INR to each of the judges. I hope they shall agree.

The rules are simple - from this moment forth to day 1630, any and all articles written with the tag [AWESOME] will be considered to be entrants to this competition. The competitors must be eIndian citizens, and must write well. I shall keep you folks updated as to whether our judges have agreed or not.

May the best article win!

PS: Please vote, subscribe and shout!