[Congress] ThomasR26 seeking April Re-Election

Day 514, 08:58 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ThomasR26

Hello members of the South East. My name is ThomasR26 and I am announcing my candidacy for the congress elections which will be held on the 25th of April. This is my manifesto, I hope this will convince you that I am worthy of keeping my seat in the HoC.

Firstly I am extremely active in both the political sections of the forums, but also the regional one’s. I’m also happy to help anybody who needs it if they pm (private message) me.

Secondly, I have been elected to congress / House of Commons, twice since my eBirth. I was first elected in the second week after I joined eRepublik, as a very new and politically naive person. However I have since learnt and taken a more involved approach towards Politics and feel that I’m capable of making decisions based upon the benefit of the UK rather than inter party bickering which sadly will not die down anytime soon. I am also the new South East NHS Director by recommendation of Horice P Fossil (the previous runner)

Thirdly, as members of the PCP (People’s Communist Party) we believe in equality and that everybody deserves there chance to be heard. Be you 1 day old or a year old, if something is concerning you don’t be afraid to pm me and I shall point you in the right direction and assist you to the best of my ability.

PCP – Why should you back a candidate from our party?
- We are the only party to run a commune. Information can be found. More commune's are being planned depending on interest, welcoming members of all levels of skill – Here http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=5954
- All of our endorsed Congress members are highly active and dedicated.
- We all believe that the UK economy MUST be strong and as a party we aim to help regulate it to enable players of all age's and wealth to be able to afford the supplies they need

For those of you not on the forums, I have included the link to the forums, which is the backbone of any career on eRepbulik. I thank you for reading and hope that you shall vote accordingly. Main forum page is - http://forums.erepublik.co.uk/index.php

My next article shall collect a list of the PCP members running, who they are, where they are and why they are deserving of your votes as well, along with a list of other South East Candidates and why they deserve your votes.
Many thanks. Make sure to vote come April 25th.