[Congress] ThomasR26 For Congress

Day 452, 14:02 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by ThomasR26

Here is my manifesto regarding the Congress elections

Hello people of South East eUk.
My name is ThomasR26, and in the following article I hope to earn your support in the Congress elections.

First off I would like to point out that I enter this election, Not only as a Member of The PCP, But as an active member of eUk with idea's and opinions aimed towards the progression of this fine country. In the short time i've been on the game, I have come to realise a number of things. Inactivity is quite high, especially in this area. I hope by being elected to Congress I will be able to assist the vital new players that join the game to find something to love and enjoy here, as the game is slightly daunting when you first begin, I was one of the lucky people who was given a chance by other players, for example Rastari who explained basics, assisted me in obtaining my first job, and who I still learn stuff from today, along with my fellow party & Navy members.
With that being said I would like to create a Buddy system which would encourage players with experience to help the newer players. I also wish to assist the NHS in its righteous tasks to maintain wellness across the board of citizens. I also wish to establish a company which is there as an advice and Loans centre of such too smaller business's who are struggling to cope battling the monopoly industries.
Please do not mistake my lack of experience for a lack of Enthusiasm and Determination to further this great county

I would also like to stress, Often while browsing the forums, there have been complaints about Congress members being elected, and being inactive. I state right here and now, I am on here and the forums EVERY day multiple times, and I intend to not let down my name or my fellow eUk members. For this reason i beg your support, since if we want or need change in our respective area's it is Vital that we have active members of Congress, or we cannot properly advance.

Thank you for reading my small manifesto, I hope that this has inspired you to vote for me, If not, please vote someone who is active so that the wishes of the community may be heard and solved.


I have now revised the Tax issue, please see if this is a better alternative