[Congress] Robalbinio's Report: 26th March - 7th April

Day 1,965, 04:42 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Robalbinio

How I Voted

MPP: Slovenia proposed by SmoothZiga
My Vote- Yes
Result Yes-38 No-1
Motion Passed

No Natural Enemy proposed by Blue and Evil
My Vote- Yes
Result Yes-33 No-5
Motion Passed

MPP: Macedonia proposed by Aliss Wonder
My Vote-Yes
Result- Yes-36 No-2
Motion Passed

Peace with Ireland proposed by MUFC992
My Vote- Yes
Result Yes-24 No-0
Motion Passed

MPP: Argentina proposed by Ash J Williams
My Vote- No
Result Yes-9 No-30
Motion Rejected

MPP: Ireland proposed by MUFC992
My Vote- No
Result Yes-3 No-35
Motion Rejected

MPP: Paraguay proposed by zebosk
My Vote- Yes
Result Yes-35 No-0
Motion Passed

MPP: Brazil proposed by Zunker
My Vote- Yes
Result Yes-32 No-1
Motion Passed

MPP: Mexico proposed by Blue And Evil
My Vote- Yes
Result Yes-37 No-0
Motion Passed

Natural Enemy: Ireland proposed by Sir Winston S Churchill
My Vote- No
Result Yes-3 No-34
Motion Rejected

Natural Enemy: Argentina proposed by Sir Winston S Churchill
My Vote- Yes
Result Yes-35 No-1
Motion Passed

Minimum Wage from 0.5GBP to 0.1GBP proposed by Prof J Moriarty
My Vote- Missed due to being a drunken bum
Result Yes-23 No-7
Motion Passed

Again NNA and a nice bottle of Morgans Spiced have taken up most of my weekend, so if you would like a reason for why I voted a certain way just ask in the comments.