[Congress] Robalbinio's Report: Week Three

Day 1,944, 09:57 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Robalbinio


Afternoon everyone, well this week has been dominated by events in the east in the Poland v Russia war. And the votes and debates in congress have shown this.

How I Voted

MPP: Chile proposed by Blue And Evil
My Vote- Yes
Result Yes-31 No-3
Motion Passed

A strong and loyal ally who I support. A yes from me.

MPP: Bulgaria proposed by Blue And Evil
My Vote- Yes
Result Yes-33 No-0
Motion Passed

TWO need to fully together in this war, a yes from me.

MPP: Poland proposed by Sir Marvin
My Vote- Yes
Result Yes-29 No-0
Motion Passed

The powerhouse of TWO who we need to be working closely with and helping with all our strength as they fight their key war in Russia.

MPP: Spain proposed by Blue And Evil
My Vote- Yes
Result Yes-33 No-0
Motion Passed

Since my return they have proved to be some of the best friends we have, saving our asses when the Canadians attacked, a firm yes.

Donate 5000GBP to the NHS proposed by Sir Rex Fleddington
My Vote- No
Result Yes-7 No-25
Motion Rejected

The NHS is not funded by the government, private citizens fund it via charitable donations. I am saddened that this is the second random proposal with no prior discussion from my fellow UKRP congressman and will be taking the matter up with the party leadership. A No vote from me.

VAT and Import Taxes: Weapons proposed by Maximus Decimus Meridius
My Vote- No
Result at time of writing Yes-11 No-22
Motion Pending

I'm not sure where this one came from, my proposal last week was made to lower the cost of weapons while the government could still take some money. This would limit government funds in my opinion so a no from me.

Income Tax change from 5% to 2% proposed by Maximus Decimus Meridius
My Vote- No
Result at time of writing Yes-4 No-30
Motion Pending

Again another proposal that came out of nowhere with no prior discussion that would affect government funds, and tbf our income tax is about right.

MPP: Hungary proposed by GregoryG
My Vote- Yes
Result at time of writing Yes-27 No-0
Motion Pending

Another ally we need close relations with in this war, a yes from me.

My aims this week
My aims this week are just this

It will return with more Python references than you can shake a dead parrot at

For Your Consideration

Robalbinio MBE
UKRP Congressman