[Congress] Robalbinio's Report: Week One

Day 1,930, 07:09 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Robalbinio

I'm Back

Afternoon everyone, I would like to welcome you to my first congress report here I shall strive to tell you the public that voted me in what I have been up too this week.

First thing I can say is things have definitely changed since my last term in congress, gone are the days of the congress forum and debates and it did take me a while to adjust to this new system but now I have got over the shock I will be getting involved in all debates and kicking some life into congress as a whole.

How I Voted

This is probably what you are most interested in and I will keep it open giving why I chose to vote yes or no. If you have anything more to ask about why I voted the way I did please feel free to comment below and I will strive to reply to all questions asked.

VAT and Import Taxes Food proposed by Massacar
My Vote-No
Result Yes-10 No-27
Motion Rejected

This proposal sought to lower VAT on food from 7% to %5. I felt this was not needed as food is cheap as it is and all this would really change is a loss of money for the country. It is weapons tax that I feel needs looking into.

Alliance: Slovenia and Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) proposed by Richard Feist
My Vote-Yes
Result Yes-37/36 No-0/1
Motions both Passed

I have put these two together as they are both pretty similar votes and pretty self explanatory. Both are strong allies we wish to keep good relations with.

Presidential Impeachment proposed by BigAnt
My Vote-Yes
Result Yes-25 No-13
Motion Rejected

This is one that gave me a little thought, Richard has said he has less time this past week due to RL commitments and has placed Vice-President Butjam in control of the nation. I voted Yes, having nothing against Richard but I have always felt if you are in charge you should have full control.

My aims this week

This week I will be aiming to get involved in the economic discussion as I feel this is the most pressing matter that is affecting our nation.

I will also be working on a Home Affairs project to help put some quality back into the nations media.

For Your Consideration

Robalbinio MBE
UKRP Congressman