[Congress] Proposed change MoNC procedure

Day 4,164, 03:53 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by UNL Congress

Greetings, citizens of Netherlands,

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Topic: Proposed change MoNC procedure
Requester: Janty F

now that we have experienced MoNC vote (atleast I am being told, because I have not seen results yet), I belieeve it is time to return back to my proposal on MoNCs. As stated previously by numerous Congress Members, launching debate and vote at the same time is not exactly the best idea, as the opposing side of MoNC has no time to defend itself. That's why I believe debate and vote should not be necessary to launch at the same time.

As last time, the proposal was rejected due to "at any time" missing, I am now adding it back to the proposal. So I expect people (and parties), who claimed to reject the proposal only because of those three words, will now support the proposal, when these words are added "😉".


Change current Chapter II, Article 8, Paragraph 2 to:

The Congress of the eNetherlands can at any time propose a Motion of No Confidence. In this procedure, a debate and vote can be opened at the same time. In case of a two-thirds majority withdrawing confidence, the official(s) in question are discharged from office immediately.

MaartenW and Mael Dunbar
CoC Team