[Congress] Asher Di Immortales for the East Midlands (April)

Day 885, 17:28 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Asher Di Immortales
Hello there! I’m Asher Di Immortales, your Congressman here in the East Midlands for quite a few months now. I hope that in this time I have managed to fulfil the goals and aspirations I have set out in previous manifestos, as accounted by you, the people.

This is quite a lengthy manifesto, so although I would encourage you to try to read all of it, for a brief summary of why you should vote for me you can skip to the conclusion. Alternatively, I’m always more than welcome to answer any questions you may have personally, so please don’t hesitate to get in touch with me.

My Experience

• For several months I was the Under-Minister for Entertainment in the Ministry of Home Affairs. In this capacity I ran the first ever Christmas event, one large scale FryDay and most recently our first ever Monarch Week, which you may have taken part in a couple of months ago. While running these events has taken a lot of organisation and perseverance, I am very grateful to have had the experience and am privileged to have worked with the people I did.
• Another major aspect of the Entertainment Under-Ministry was the eUK National Lottery, which was restarted on the Forums so as not to clash with the Admins’ stance on gambling.
• Other Ministry of Home Affairs departments which I have been involved with include Off-Site Advertising (or Recruitment, now made into a new ministry), which I headed as an Under-Minister for one term.
• The Royal Navy has always been, and always will be, a big part of my eLife, and a while ago my continued activity was rewarded by a promotion to the rank of Captain. Leading the HMS Westminster was a great experience and enriched my knowledge of how the current military functions. I look forward to working with the Army after the new military module.
• My previous military experience includes being among the first batch of recruits to join the original Royal Marines, which were based on activity as opposed to strength. I have also earned a number of military service medals, and I continue to work in Royal Navy companies for the minimum wage in order to supply our soldiers with as many weapons as possible.
• I was a member of the now disbanded Recruitment Office. This was a Military Recruitment Scheme which raised awareness for the Military through the publishing of newspaper articles. While a part of this I wrote a number of articles which reached number 1 nationally, among them A Marine’s Tale and All Gave Some, Some Gave All.
• For the past five months I have been a Congressman for the East Midlands. I am extremely proud to have represented you for so long, and since my election I have been an active participant on the House of Commons forum, obtaining a high voting record on all issues to pass through Parliament. Any concerns raised to me by East Midlands residents I have taken up with the people concerned, for I consider this among the most important of a Congressman’s duties.
• While being a Congressman, I have leapt at opportunities to strengthen the eUK community, campaigning to get as many people as possible active and contributing on our national forums. I have also continued to work to increase the size of the eUK population, achieving a Society Builder medal in the process.
• Recently I was given the position of Vice Party President of the Unity Party. It is an enormous privilege for me to receive such an honour, and in this role I hope to aid the pursuit of the underlying principles and fundamental ideals which make the Unity Party so potent, as well as helping to maintain the solid practicality which ensures TUP’s continued position at the forefront of British politics.
• Economically, I have been a Monetary Market trader for the Ministry of Finance. This involved daily activity in posting and updating offers in order to make as much money as possible for the Bank of England, and I picked up vital skills which have given me a clear insight into the world of economics while in this capacity.
• On a lighter note, while the forum-based Region Wars ran I was the Captain of the East Midlands and helped us conquer half of the eUK!

I fly the Unity Flag.

I will not try to force my political beliefs onto others, but I will say this: Without the help the Unity Party gave me in my first few days of playing, I would almost certainly not be here today. It is my firm and unshakeable belief that the Unity Party has the means and the will to help every single citizen of the eUK, young or old. When it comes to Congress, I am proud to be running as part of the Unity Party team, and I fully support the ideals which form the building blocks of the Unity Party.

My Beliefs

• I am a Social Libertarian. This means I believe in the rights of the individual above those of the state (freedom of speech, etc) and that I believe in a regulated economy aimed not at maximising profit for big corporations but for keeping the standard of living for ordinary people as high as possible.
• I believe in a transparent government that doesn’t work behind people’s backs or aim to deceive them but instead is open with its policies and aims, keeping the population well informed about goings-on and decisions made.
• I believe in a strong government that will do what’s best for the country, no matter the cost, and will do all it can to benefit the ordinary citizens of the eUK.
• I believe in an active, honest Congress (Parliament), one that will always stick to the values they’ve been voted in on, and one that will always be available to deal with the concerns of the people it represents and make speedy but reliable decisions in times of crisis.
• I believe in having a strong, well-organised and active military, a military with the support and involvement of every single citizen of the eUK.
• I believe in having good relations with as many countries as possible and maintaining strong bonds with all of our friends within and without of Phoenix.
• Most of all, I believe in a happy, well-educated population, with the everyday citizens of the eUK having fun and feeling secure.


As V2, the update which will bring complete reform to what are perhaps the two biggest aspects of the game, the economic and military modules, will almost certainly be released this month, the eUK will have to adapt to meet it, reforming its military and reshaping the way our economy works. It is vital that in such a period of change, we have a supportive, constructive and active set of Congressmen who can make valid, accountable decisions with maximum efficiency. I promise you, the people of the East Midlands, that if you elect me I will not fail in my duties as a Congressman and I will do all in my power to continue to represent you, as well as upholding the firm principles out-lined in this manifesto.

Regardless of political orientation, in-game age or experience, I would like you to consider voting for me on the 25th. If you are not convinced by this manifesto, or would like to talk to me for any reason, I can be contacted via message, the eUK forums or on the IRC, on which my nick is asher. I am of course always open to questions, suggestions or even just a chat.