[CONGRESS] Allyenna's candidacy for Henan (Chinese/English)

Day 702, 02:41 Published in China China by Allyenna


我是Allyenna,一个eRepublik的骨灰级玩家。我几个星期前(注:应为 几个月前)来到eChina,希望能帮助该国发展,成为e世界里的强国。

Liang和我分享他对国家和新政党-中国老外党的理念,我们俩觉得理念相合,所以我 决定加入他的政党,并通过参选议员来实现我们的政治目标。

我在eRepublik这个游戏开始不久便加入了,在政治和军事方面我有丰富的经验。 在beta版本的时候我做过市长,并为我的民众提供了很多新举措。我在世界各地的战争 和革命中战斗过,现在已是陆军元帅。更重要的是我在我的出生地-西班牙做过九届国会议 员。我希望这些丰富的经验能用来帮助建设我们的国家。

不过这些并非我重新参加国会选举的理由。我个人更喜欢在政府体制外部来帮助国家建设( 注:比如去q5医院打苦工)。我参加国会竞选,只是因为我想为这个新生的国家贡献我的 一切,特别是经验。自从来到这里,这国家的民众对我非常友好,让我感觉回家一般。

我很想成为新eChina的一部分。自从Goons瓦解后,新eChina不断地成长 。为了感谢大家对我的接纳,我已把eChina当成我的祖国,并愿为之奋斗!



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Ni hao

I'm Allyenna, an old eRepublik player who came to China some weeks ago with the illusion and the motivation to help the country grow and become a great nation in our eWorld.

Some days ago, when SagaWF shared with Zhuge Liang and me some of his ideas for China and for his new party, China Lao-Wai Party, we both thought were really good, so I decided to join his project through the way I know the most, the Congress.

Many of you already knew me, but there are a lot of other players that don't, so that's why I'm writing this little presentation.
I've been playing eRepublik since the beginning: I have politic and military experience, I've been Mayor in Beta and developed some new measures for my fellow citizens, I fought around the World in a lot of Wars and Revolution Wars, I'm Field Marshall and the most important, I've been congresswoman in my birth country, Spain, ninth times, so I have experience and above all, I can contribute with a lot of ideas that China can use.

But that's not the reason why I want to be again in the Congress, of course not, 'cause I can help from outside the govern and that's my intention too. If I want to become part of the Congress again is because I want to give back to China, this country where everyone greet and accept me when I arrived, all my effort and my illusion, all my ideas and mainly, my experience.
I really want to be part of the new China, this new China that is growing and fighting every day since the goons left. 'Cause thank to a lot of you I consider this country as mine, and I want to return at least a little of this acceptance.

I'll be honored to be part of the next month Congress and I'll be honored to be your representative if you decide to vote for me.

Xiè xiè!


P.S. Thanks to SagaWF for the Chinese translation 🙂