[CON]Congress Update

Day 1,139, 16:20 Published in Malaysia USA by Dr. Straatman

As Congress Secretary it's my responsibility to keep the public informed about what congress has been up too.

Pacmen Funding
Recently there was a request from Pacmen to the eMY gov't to provide some funding to maintain the companies that provide the supplies Pacmen uses. At this time it is still being discussed.

Serb Embargo
There has been talk recently of renewing the embargo with Serbia. Nothing has been decided at this time.

Tax Reform
There has been a call for a reformation of eMY taxes. This discussion has stalled.

Corporation Status
For those of you on the forums, there was recently an idea thrown out about companies being allowed to ask for Corporation Status within Malaysia. After some discussion in congress, there was no real opposition and it is now being implemented.

-Must be owned by a Malaysian, or vouched for by a trusted Malaysian
-Must have a stock system in place
-Must agree to some sort of reporting over certain time periods to maintain your corporation status

Good Publicity-being on the forums, you will be better known to the public and more likely to find investors
Better Standing with the Gov't-if you happen to need a loan and want to ask the gov't for one, your chances are better of getting a green light if the gov't recognizes you as an eMY corporation

If you wish to apply for Corporation Status, you must either mail me or create a topic in the Open Door Congress section of the forums. Once congress has voted on whether or not you have been accepted, you will be notified and the correct actions will be taken. ANYONE may apply, but in order to be accepted you MUST meet the above requirements. Keep in mind that meeting the requirements doesn't necessarily give you Corporation status.

About 15 hours ago, it was proposed that Prle be impeached. There was discussion in congress beforehand about this. At this point it looks like the impeachment will fail.

Dr. Straatman
Congress Secretary