[COMPETITION]30000 reasons why

Day 3,550, 14:39 Published in Ireland Ireland by Releasethe Krakken

Ok in order to boost activity I will be holding a competition.

Are you a good writer or entertainer. Do you have the gift of the gab or can you charm anyone.

Kalashnikov is reaching 1250 editions.

To celebrate I'm giving away all my money all 400000cc

Each winner will be placed in my newspaper as we start the countdown.

The competition ends when my newspaper reaches 1250 articles.

Conditions: 1. Must be citizen of eIreland.
2. 3000 words is required.
3.I will allow up to 500 more but not less.

1. All articles must have atleast 1 pic and 1 song.
2. Obviously its for my newspaper so I am the final judge.
3. Tag your article [30000 reasons why]
4. All content must be printable - ie im not getting fp points because you didnt edit your article properly.
5. Have fun.

Each winner receives 30000 cc