[CN/EN] 俄罗斯总统mogaba专访 / Interview with President of eRussia mogaba

Day 1,097, 18:24 Published in China China by A Rock Star in Tanzania


----English Version----

hoverge: Can you give us a self-introduction please? A bio is preferred.

mogaba: Citizen mogaba was born about a year ago or so. Since then I’ve been working in the interpreters team, MoFA and intelligence. But mostly I’ve been hanging around doing nothing and blaming everyone for doing everything wrong. That’s how I deserved a reputation of a politically neutral, smart person, he-he. Talking about rl-stuff, not sure if it is relevant here, but I am Russian, I live in Moscow and work as a lawyer.

hoverge: How many active citizens are there in eRussia now? Did you get a baby boom recently?

mogaba: Well, this information has some strategic importance, so I’ll let the Chinese intelligence to find it themselves. And yes, we had a minor baby boom recently, but not a match for the Turkish one yet.

hoverge: eRussia was wiped off from the map. Did it destroy the economy?

mogaba: Obviously it did. Without our most advanced regions, without foreign investments and without a Congress to issue roubles and tune taxes we aren’t in a very good situation economic-wise. However, we have reformed the entire Army to work on the commune basis, so it is now almost independent from who owns the region at the moment and mostly produces all the necessary goods for itself.

hoverge: Now eRussia is back after several successful resistances. Your next target must be Siberia?

mogaba: Well, Siberia is on the list of course, as any other eRussian region. We are very touchy about national sovereignty and for years collecting->defending->recollecting all our lands was our raison d’etre. But asking about our next target isn’t really delicate, is it?

hoverge: Will there be direct war between eRussia and eChina soon?

mogaba: We’ve approached the Government of eChina several times so far asking to start the negotiations to solve the Siberian issue. We’ve got a negative response on that. So at the moment we are limited in our options and can only rely on the military approach. Can’t say whether it will be a direct war or a RW, it will depend on what will seem more effective. But maybe the eChinese Government will change their minds on the subject 🙂

hoverge: What’s your point on founding colonies in other countries?

mogaba: In my opinion, it greatly depends on the purpose of the annexation. I’ve always been against the “because I can, sucker!” approach to the conquests. But this browser game pretends to be a geopolitical one and this is natural that strong countries tend to review the distribution of resources among the nations. I see nothing really wrong here. If we all would have been sitting in our given borders, this game would have been already deserted. But the conquests and colonisation add the necessary spice to eRepublik.

hoverge: Can you comment on the current situation of Phoenix please?

mogaba: Well, it’s not a secret that these are harsh times for the Alliance. The balance of the bipolar world is broken at the moment and it’s not always easy to upkeep the spirit while losing battle after battle. And the Balkan tensions don’t help the situation. However, we still perform some successful maneuvers and still remember how to fight back. As one Bruce Willis’s character used to say: “Nothing is over until everything is over”.

hoverge: Do you think the change of damage formula is good or not?

mogaba: I was sort of surprised that people who distributed skill points between different weapons in v2 got penalized by the latest changes. I can’t see any logic in this. And I’d prefer just a plain reintroduction of the v1 version or at least anything that isn’t bugged and redesigned every week.

hoverge: Last question as usual, what do you think about eChina? Do you have anything to say to eChina citizens?

mogaba: I like what eChina has become and what her way to glory was. As one of the richest countries resource-wise, you’ve always been a target for invasions. You’ve managed to resist the oppressors, grew in numbers and transformed into a strong sovereign force. That’s an example of how erepublik should be properly played and I respect eChina for that. I must admit that these were the actions of eRussia that ruined the diplomatic ties between our eCountries. I am not going to condemn the actions of our Government of that period - we were assisting our allies, and loyalty isn’t always protecting princesses from dragons, it is also doing the things that aren’t as just as you’d wish. However, what’s done is done. We’ve had an upper-hand back then, you have it now. Distilled Darwin’s theory if you ask me. If there will be a chance in future to reset our relationships I’ll be the first one to hail it. But right now, see you either on the battlefield or in the negotiations hall because I want my pretty little handy ESR back to my peaceful republic 🙂


hoverge: 能先为大家做一下自我介绍吗?

mogaba: mogaba出生于大概一年前,从那时起我就一直在eRussia翻译团队、外交部以及情报机构工作,不过基本上我的时间都花在无所事事却不断指责别人什么都做错上,所以别人给我的评价是政治中立、八面玲珑,呵呵。说到RL,我是俄罗斯人,居住在莫斯科,我的职业是律师。

hoverge: 现在eRussia有多少活跃玩家?你们最近是否有新人潮?

mogaba: 恩...这一信息比较重要,因此我想还是留给eChina的情报机构去确定吧,我们最近的确有小规模新人超,但是无法和土耳其的新人潮相比。

hoverge: eRussia之前被灭国,这是否沉重的打击了你们国家的经济?

mogaba: 显然是的,没有了高资源地区,没有了国外投资者,也没有议会来修改税率,eRussia之前的情况很糟糕。不过我们成功的组织军队进行重建,目前已经基本可以自给自足。

hoverge: eRussia刚刚通过几场成功的起义夺回了不少失地,下一个目标会是西伯利亚吗?

mogaba: 恩,西伯利亚当然在我们的计划中,我们一直对国家的领土完整非常在意,因此几年来我们一直在收复失地-抵御入侵-收复失地...不过想要知道我们的下一个军事目标可没那么容易。

hoverge: eRussia和eChina之间会很快爆发战争吗?

mogaba: 我们已经数次联系eChina政府要求就西伯利亚问题进行协商,但eChina政府的答复一直与我们的期望不一样,所以我们除了军事手段别无选择。目前还不能确定我们会直接攻击还是起义,不过或许在此之前eChina政府会改变主意? 🙂

hoverge: 你对入侵其他国家并建立殖民地有何看法?

mogaba: 在我看来这取决于入侵的目的,我一直反对“我牛我可以,你去死吧”态度的入侵,但这个游戏中强国需要资源,从这个角度来说我并不认为寻求资源的入侵是错误的,如果我们都一直守在本土这个游戏早就没人玩了,入侵和殖民使erepublik变得更加有趣。

hoverge: 你能对Phoenix的现状做一下评论吗?

mogaba: Phoenix近况不佳已经不是什么秘密,世界的双极平衡已经被打破,很难在连续的失利后依然保持高昂的斗志,不过我们仍然能够通过正确的策略进行回击,就像布鲁斯威利斯在电影里说的那样,“不到最后一刻决不放弃。”

hoverge: 你认为战斗力公式的更改怎么样?

mogaba: 我比较吃惊有些在v2双修的人现在技能变低,这完全不合逻辑,我希望看到的是简单的恢复到v1,而不是游戏每周都碰到新bug,然后再去修改游戏。

hoverge: 最后一个问题,你对eChina如何看?有什么想对eChina玩家说的吗?

mogaba: 我很欣赏eChina所取得的成就以及过程,eChina有令人垂涎的资源因此一直是强国入侵的目标,你们坚持抵御侵略,保持了人口的增长并成长为一支重要力量。eChina是erepublik游戏的典范,我敬佩你们所取得的成绩。我不得不承认以前是eRussia的行为使得我们两国之间的外交中断,但我不能指责此前我们政府的行为,因为我们只是在协助盟友,很多时候忠诚并不都能体现在所谓的正义一方,你必须要做一些可能你并不想做的事情。不过那些都已经过去了,过去我们曾经占有优势,现在轮到了你们,优胜劣汰就是如此。如果将来有机会修复我们两国的关系我将会是第一个欢呼的人,但目前我们只能在战场上或者谈判桌上见,因为我希望ESR回到祖国的怀抱。 🙂


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