(CHP) My Cabinet

Day 1,715, 20:12 Published in Canada Canada by Little Tony

Brothers and Sisters,
WE are nearly 5 days away from the Presidential elections that will take place on the sabath.

It's only fair for the people to know about my cabinet so hot off the market here it is!

(No one replied to my pm's or told me lol? So I was very short on people for my cabinet.... see below)

CP: Little Tony!
VP: Little Tony!
Minister of Peace: Little Tony!
Minister of Humanity: Little Tony!
Minister of Preaching: Little Tony!
Minister of Finance: Little Tony!

Now a brief description on each!

VP: takes care of all work when the CP is away

Minister of Peace:This job is very important, as I run on a non-aggression platform. The concept is we will fight for friends and defend our land but, we will not give the eWorld backlash through our aggression to other nations. So this Minister is very important in maintaing our friendly relations!!! 🙂

Minister of Humanity
No matter your past crimes or offences, the role of the Minister of Humanity is to provide for eCanada through food drops! All citizens who require food to work companies or help a brother out can request food. eCanada is to strive to be the best it can be, but this cannot be done on empty bellies!!! 🙂

Minister of Preaching
I put a fun little twist on this Minister role! His role to keep the nation informed on the proceedings of the government. This is a very important role, as the people deserve the whole hearted truth and any less than that is not acceptable.

Minister of Finance
This is a very hard job. It involves tracking the growth of the treasury and coming up with the best possible taxes to sustain a efficient nation.

So ya that's about it 😛

If you have any questions or would like to join one of my cabinet positions send me a PM and I will be more than happy to help you help the country 🙂

We still sit at 3 members, but I know deep down that some day this party will take wind and find it's true potential in the top 5, so please my friends consider joining today


Amen and Godbless
Tony 🙂