Day 1,718, 15:24 Published in Canada Canada by Little Tony

Brothers and Sisters,
Today I come before you as a sad man.
For those of you who have been following my campaign these last days you will have noticed I had big aspirations for this nation.

Whether it involved humanity bundles (food+weapon) bundles for eCanadians that need that little boost. I even dreamt of installing a new minister to eCanada, for foreign affairs.

Aye, these programs and departments would have been of great value to eCanada, but nonetheless this will not stop me.

I will continue to pray for a better day, a time where all eCanadian’s will be happy to unite under one common flag.

This man they call “Rolo”, he is great at unity his own cause, but even better at destroying others work, we can see this by looking at the Top 5 parties, during Party Presidential elections, Congressional elections, and the Presidential elections.

I received on numerous occasions messages about selling my vote.
And boy oh boy, my friends was I sickened at this act.
This act full of greed.
Using the peoples money to buy them out!

So nation I ask you on the 5th of August, do not give into the temptations of the one they call “rolo”.

Fight for the democratic process and my friends,

Pray for a better day

Little Tony, 🙂
CHP Party President