[Chief Ambassador] The Continuing Mission

Day 1,030, 06:17 Published in South Korea USA by Wladimir Rascian

Due to the overall inactivity of our diplomacy, and due to the lack of ambassadors to foreign countries,

Chief Ambassador of South Korea is announcing

Ministry of Foreign Affairs had opened places for ambassadors of South Korea to following nations/alliances:

North Korea
United States of America
EDEN (Romania, Croatia, Spain or Poland)
Phoenix (Hungary, Russia or Indonesia)
Latin America

Important note:

Ambassadors from previous month can continue their duties, just send me PM.

~ambassadors will recieve payments (funded from my own pocket) after every article published in foreign country, which tells something about South Korea, its e-history, its position in Jap-SK war, its government and society;

~ambassadors will recieve payments after they send their reports on countries they are appointed to;

~ambassadors will recieve bonuses, if they do a good job.[/li]

If you want to do something for your country, and earn some money, send your IGM directly to Chief Ambassador of South Korea: http://www.erepublik.com/en/messages/compose/2112859
Duties of ambassadors will be explained via IGM.

Wladimir Rascian,
Chief Ambassador

Let me remind you that there is competition going in SK