[CHARITY] 5 Q5 Food per Person Program

Day 630, 06:10 Published in Philippines Philippines by Prince Terence I
August 11, 2009

I was shock by the status of one of our citizens here. His name was RoyStart (Thanks for Topy XYZ for giving us the 'shout' that enabled us to respond to this problem). He currently has a 7.31 wellness points.

Now, I have decided to open again my 'Alay kay Juan Foundation' and to provide Q5 Foods to those whoever needs it. And I will start with him. 5 Q5 Foods for 1 Person per week.

So again, I need your humble hearts. Please donate to Alay kay Juan Foundation. Any amount will do.

Also, if ever you have spotted any dying active Filipino citizen, please don't hesitate to message me.

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