[CDV-NZ] Citizens of eNew Zealand...

Day 1,046, 17:09 Published in Australia New Zealand by Carr De Vaux

Sheeps, cows, kiwis, pukekos and moas...

Soon, your beautiful country will be the new refuge for many many eHumans, whose own homeland has been destroyed, PTOed, Ghayzified, pillaged or simply Americanized. Yes, in the New World, human's fate is just as bad as those poor little Dodo birds. We are just a bunch of fun-loving, war-mongering and sheep-shagging bunch of veteran of this silly game called eRepublik. Before we all bow out from the game for good - we all have decided to give our eLife another go - in the beautiful island of eNew Zealand....

The beautiful Auckland park....(for real)

Afraid not my dear friends, as we come in peace. So far so, there has been a VERY active community of interested eHumans coming together to plan our 'colonization' of your beautiful islands. We have been gathering at the eNew Zealand forums for Sheeps and Humans . As the Minister of Immigration (aka pretty girls vetting office), I am wholly responsible for the possible implosion of pretty humans population in eNew Zealand. As such, all pretty faces and loaded (with Gold) eCitizens from around the world are welcome to join us. PM me today if you are interested, or otherwise, just show up in our forums.

Co-existence of human and sheeps - urban planning at its best

ps: to my eMalaysian friends, it is heavy heart that i bid adieu to you all. This good bye may be a little early, as i will still be around till the end of the Congress term. eMalaysia has been my home country and will always remain a special place in my eHeart. I hope the resistance continued without me - for the liberation is just around the corner!~

That's all for now my dear friends..

pps: if you are a sheep, you should rejoice in happiness for finally, the SHEEPSHAGGERS PARTY is HERE for you.

the welcoming ceremony practice...

Carr de Vaux

Shagger in Chief of the underground Sheepshagging Party
Minister of Immigration of the interim eNew Zealand SheepShagging Community

We are here to serve....