....Capitan M0TT0M for Western Australia....

Day 820, 01:50 Published in Australia Australia by M0TT0M

I'm back!

I am running for senate in Western Australia in the up coming elections.

Most of you may have noticed last time I bombarded you all with a HUGE amount of _______ (I'll let you fill in the gap). I will not be doing this, this time round. I'm a proud ANI party member and I am SO happy I've finally found a party that shares the same thoughs and Ideas and I plan to stay with the ANI for a LONG time.

However. This being said, ANI does not have enough members to propose new senators. It is for this reason I will be running as a ____________ member.

I will post my presentation after this article is published.

Remember to vote M0TT0M in WESTERN AUSTRALIA.

P.S The Party I will be running for has not been decided as of yet. When it has been decided I will update this article, announce it in my presentation and publish a reminder later on this week