*CANADIANS READ* * Expanded Hungarian Intel*

Day 659, 18:04 Published in Canada Canada by Alaricus

I have taken it upon myself to scan all high voted articles in Hungary, translate them, and notify the Canadian public about what they are doing as of late. These are rough translations, from Internet translators, so bare with me.

There are two parts to this.

From the translation below(The first Part), they seem to be building up a force in Nunavut, either they are expecting another attack from us, or they want to attack us. They have asked people to move form high populated areas, and to go to Nunavut. They also indicate some sort of region transfer involving Alaska and Russia, although that is not clear.

The first part is here,

Original Link

Rough Translation:

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Rhineland-Palatinate RW PAGE RED / RED SIDE
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Canada's block, you fight today. Everyone wait patiently, and soon launched the "machine". Negotiations are under way continuously.

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The North American regions with high hospitals already, so the people can move there. Northern Caucasus region of the general public should be fully installed, because this area will be turned over to the Russians from Alaska region. There are too populous regions / PL: Western Transdanubia and Central Hungary / In which the public be asked to join the Nunavut region, thereby increasing the wall there

"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

This is the Second part of the Hungarian Intel.

From the translation below, it seems as thought they are watching the Russian front Closely. They are relying heavily on the Columbian front. There are some DETAILED plans about America here, so if your American, and reading this, make sure to tell people about these plans. AMERICANS READ


"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

A War situation About:

Unfortunately, the Peace coordination was a more difficult task than we thought, day and night we are working on the case, the Getting Started already started. eColumbia cut eMexico to keep the block on EUSA.


Explanation: The arrows show the current attacks, as appropriate, the arrowhead shows a region of the attack. The purple arrow in the box blocked by eColumbia areas means (ie, not yet in attacks). The red dots uprisings (rw-them) will be designated, which are currently held.

At the moment the Canadian attack is holding, so do not waste all of your damage there.


I will continue to gather more Intel on the Hungarians

Please SUB, VOTE, and Comment my articles, so I can get the information out into the Canadian population easier.

Stay Strong Canada,
Alaricus Out.