[Campaign] JLake4 for Congress!

Day 1,613, 09:07 Published in USA USA by JLake4

Hello, Alabamians! I'm JLake4, and I am running for Congress in the State of Alabama.

Most of these articles seem pretty standard, just alerting people to someone's platform or even just of their candidacy. I figure the title does that, so I'm going to go slightly more in-depth than just saying "I'm running, vote for me." I will tell you what I truly believe in and what I honestly do plan on running for.

I feel as though someone who runs for Congress shouldn't have their own beliefs as their platform. While it's important not to lose sight of one's core values, if you're running to represent people you have to be willing to be molded (within reason) to their beliefs first and foremost. It's all part of the exchange that occurs, think of a vote as money and my candidacy as a product- you're buying it, you should have a stake in it.

I guess following that analogy, this is the voting booth.

This is not a fire-and-forget sort of thing, if elected, I will be contacting active Alabamians regularly to consult with them on how I should be voting, for performance reviews, and other such things.

Not picture😛 my candidacy.

So, in closing, please do vote for me. And if you do, and you so choose, PM me to let me know, and I will add you to a mailing list to which I will regularly send questions, comments, and concerns, and will accept the same sent to me. We will build a constructive constituent-representative relationship together.