[BuzzyTheCat] Your country needs you, please read

Day 473, 13:22 Published in Israel Israel by BuzzyTheCat

My fellow Israeli citizens,

I come before you today for a bit of help. This great country needs every single able-bodied person to sign up for the IDF. The IDF will only be used defensively in case our own regions are attacked, and in the future, will be used to liberate our 4 remaining regions that still lay under occupation. Because of this, it doesn’t matter if you are a company owner, party president, congressman, etc…

I hope, and would be over joyed by, everyone in Israel joining the IDF. For now, soldiers will not be paid in anything other than pride and battlefield glory but I really hope that doesn’t turn anyone away from their duty to their country.

No soldier will be turned away regardless of strength, health, or any other factor. If there are people with some command experience in a foreign military, or if there are people with a decent amount of battlefield experience, please let me know when you sign up. Besides soldiers the IDF also needs squad leaders to effectively help communicate.

Here is the IDF sign-up link. Please, go to the link and enter your information. You have nothing to lose by joining, and you stand to lose everything by NOT joining. Your country, your president, and I depend on your service.


Thank you all for your time,

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