[BuzzyTheCat] Tons of news an announcements

Day 483, 08:50 Published in Israel Israel by BuzzyTheCat

Hello friends,

Much has happened since my last article. Some good, most bad. I will just jump right to the point as this article is going to be lengthy.

Political take-over

Iran, or as I will say for right now, a group of Iranians tried to take-over the Israeli party president elections. Due to a massive outpouring of help from our friends world wide, Israel held all but one party. The Israeli Defense Federation lost its fight and is now run by Iranians. If you are an Israeli citizen, please leave the IDF party and join one of the established parties like the Likud or the Israeli Workers Party. While they seemed to have been trying to gain control of all four parties, they only succeeded at getting one of them.

This does not mean however that we “won”. In fact, it is exactly opposite. The Iranians are not leaving. They are staying, have gotten jobs, and now appear to be organizing for Congress elections. I don’t not want to sound like I am spewing Doom and Gloom but these party elections were just the beginning. You CAN expect a Congress attempt and you absolutely CAN expect a presidential take-over attempt. I would also tend to believe we will begin seeing propaganda and subversion in our media section. I urge you however to not feed the trolls… they tend to bite and they don’t smell very good.

Defense Systems and Hospitals

This is where things get worse. Basically, aid that the government was hoping for is not going to come. The IDF and I have set up a donation account to hopefully gain funds for not only a Hospital and Defense system but also to fund the IDF soldiers when the inevitable battle rolls around. In short, if I can not secure funding through donations, Israel will not be getting a DS or Hospital. Help from the Israeli government and from out alliances isn’t going to come.

We are still accepting donations to this account for the IDF and Defense System.


More parties than we know what to do with

I know it has been said many times before and was even the target of a few newspaper articles, but the fact is, Israel did not need 4 political parties. In fact, having 4 parties is what made it so easy for the Iranians to attempt a political coup in Israel. The smartest thing to do would have been to open a single party and everyone join it until Israel was at a point when it could sustain two parties, and so on. However not a full day after the Iranians successfully took over one party, what do we see? That is right, yet ANOTHER political party being opened. Yes Israel, our own citizens are going to kill the country far faster than any foreign attempts or doings.

This has nothing to do with being “anti-democracy” as has been stated in other articles; it has to do with common sense and fact. Lets all go back to kindergarten here and learn to share and learn how to work together. There is no need for 5 parties in a country with a real population of about 275. (Don’t include the Iranians now living her, don’t include the multi accounts, and don’t include the banned and dead citizens) We could get along just fine with a single party with everyone sharing ideas and working TOGETHER. The Greeks have done it, countless other newly reborn countries have done it, but for some reason, Israel can’t seem to do it.


As stated before, Israel needs a ton of gold. Our government accounts are nowhere near enough to fund the IDF let alone buy a Hospital or Defense System. I have gotten enough donations now to almost supply the IDF for battle for an undisclosed amount of time, but we still have zero funds for a Defense System and we cant even think about a hospital at this point. Israel still needs donations to this account


Please donate whatever you have. Even the spare change you have left over from monetary market transactions will help in the end. You don’t need to donate 10 gold, or even entire units of NIS, USD, etc to help. I will accept .23 NIS or .5 gold with the same gratitude as I would a 20 gold donation. Every little bit helps us work toward our end goal.

Congress elections

I, for the first time in my nearly 1 year Erepublik career, am running for congress. This will not only serve to get the voice of the IDF into congress, I also look forward to working with our other government officials to create a stronger Israel. I know that is a vague statement, but in all honesty, with the in-fighting and complete lack of common sense I have seen in the last 2 weeks, Congress needs a voice of reason. Look no further than our Administration proposals right now… In a country with no food whatsoever above Q2, Congress is right now voting to raise import taxes to the maximum 99% on food. What makes it worse? Only a single person voted No. In a country that needs a market place, our current congress seems hell bent on destroying the market. I can only guess it to be in some misguided and misinformed quest for a “strong domestic market”. Tell you what, once we have 2 or 3 companies selling each Q of an item, then we can revisit the idea of a strong domestic market… bottom line, we need A market before we can create strength.

IDF recruitment

The IDF is now, and will always be, accepting enlistments. You can enlist here


All soldiers will be accepted so long as they can be verified as Israeli.

And with all of this, I will end the article now.

Have a great day Israel,
Buzzythecat, Minister of National Defense and hopeful congressman