[BuzzyTheCat] Strength, Friendship, and Unity

Day 471, 05:40 Published in Israel Israel by BuzzyTheCat

Hello my Israeli friends,

This is going to be the first in a long line of articles written on the defense of Israel and her military. First, I would like to give you all a “state of the union” address. While a young country, Israel is in a very strong position. While it is true we only hold a single region of our original five territories, this is not an overly bad place to start. Our united and concentrated population in a single region means that if we are attacked, the “wall” will be a much larger thing to over come for our oppressors. There has also been talks to get Israel a Q5 defense system, combined with our concentrated population, this would put us in an optimal spot for defending our country until our allies can come to aid us. This is one of the underlying concepts of my plan, Unity

While I am not a political animal by nature, I will apply my military knowledge to the political arena when it is necessary. My number one goal is a strong, unified Israel. If there are political venues that threaten Israeli sovereignty from a military standpoint, I will most certainly get involved in those discussions. To further this goal and to enhance my ability to debate with our congress, I will be running as a congressman later this month for the IWP. I hope this will not offend anyone as I am not trying to “take anyone’s seat” from them. I am more than willing to engage anyone in an open debate for the position. I am a strong believer in “let the best man win”

The future of Israel

Under my command, Israel will see reunification of her original and rightful territories. However, I will not allow open conflict to occur until the IDF and the Israeli economy can sustain a military effort. If we engage in conflict too early and we are not prepared and strong, there is a great risk of losing everything. This will not happen under my watch I can promise you that.

Israel’s main goal from a military perspective is two pronged. First, we must build up the IDF to an acceptable and sustainable level should we be attacked. The IDF will be our first line of defense against foreign hostile actions. Ultimately, the IDF will defend our great lands until our carefully picked alliances can come to offer aid. To achieve this, the IDF will be aggressively recruiting members in the coming days. As I type this, Israel has 292 souls within its boarders. I believe it to be very realistic and possible to field a 100 soldier IDF within my first term. This is one of the underlying concepts to my grand plan. Strength

The second prong of Israel’s military situation that needs to be addressed is relations with our brothers and sisters of foreign lands. We have two very strong alliances right now with the USA and Norway. These relationships should be strengthened and expanded upon. We should also look to open communications and establishing alliances with other countries. This is one of the underlying concepts to my grand plan. Friendship.

I stand before Israel today, this election day, and I tell you all, the state of our union is strong, our spirit is unbreakable, and together we stand united in the knowledge that from here on out, things will only get better.

Thank you all for your time and may peace be with you,