[BuzzyTheCat] Major IDF announcements

Day 475, 23:00 Published in Israel Israel by BuzzyTheCat

Hello Israel,

Today holds many announcements on the IDF. First, and most importantly, I have commissioned my first General of the IDF. His name is CJ Will Win and together him and I will be working on improving all aspects of the IDF. Our goal is to have a world-class defense force in record time. Numbers are good, strength is better, but Israel and the IDF possess so many amazing things words along can not express them all. Please join me in welcoming CJ with open arms to the IDF and to Israel.

Secondly, I would like to announce an Israeli Foreign Legion. While I can tout the IDF and our inherent strength at length, I am no fool. I know Israel cannot stand-alone against opponents much larger than us. To combat this, I am opening communications with Ministers of Defense around the world. The Israeli Foreign Legion will comprise of unnamed countries who have pledged troop and logistical support to Israel should war come. Combined, the IDF and Foreign Legion will prove to be a world defensive power on par with super powers 30 times Israel’s size. Any nation attempting any type of hostile actions against the sovereignty of Israel will be met with swift and harsh reprisals from not only the IDF but from nations around the world.

Lastly, we have had a small issue with the enlistment form for the IDF. This was only temporary and has now been fixed but unfortunately anyone who used the form in the last 24 to 36 hours to enlist, your information was lost. As always I encourage each and every Israeli citizen to train daily and to join the IDF. If you have enlisted in the last 36 hours, please go to the link provided here


And fill it out again. I will not be angered by double enlistments as I maintain a listing of current soldiers in the IDF. I would much rather deal with double and triple enlistments than have a citizen “slip through the cracks” because of a form error.

As always thank you for your time,
BuzzyTheCat, Minister of National Defense