[BuzzyTheCat] Donations for the Israel Defense Forces

Day 477, 04:46 Published in Israel Israel by BuzzyTheCat

Hello once again Israel. I normally shy away from begging and asking for handouts but this is a special case. I am asking for donations to the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) to help prepare and build a solid and funded defensive force. Your donations will go to buying weapons and gifts for IDF soldiers, and depending on exactly how much we have donated to us, possibly even a Q5 hospital for Israel.

Please, if you can find it in your hearts to donate, do so. Every tiny bit of local currency, every 1/10th of a piece of gold helps. If you have ever wanted to help the “little guy”, if you ever rooted for the underdog in sports or a movie, if you ever just thought “what am I going to do with all this money”… now is your chance to help.

IMI and the IDF need you. Israel needs you. I need you

This is the Org account link.


Thank you for your time,
BuzzyTheCat, Israeli Minister of National Defense