[Brood] My Two Cents

Day 1,048, 01:11 Published in India India by BroodRoosterNL


Dear India,

Well, we all know the current delicate situation our country is in because of several reasons, but hey! haven't we been in big messes before? and didn't we come out of that mess every time? Hell yeah! So we'll get out of this too.

Now, on to all the fuzz, I'll split it up in different paragraphs and deal with the issues in a way I see them.

Pakistan / Dioists / SEEStan
To start out with the most easy one to explain, the American so called "Dioists" who have taken over Pakistan from the real Pakistani people like thiefs in the night. First of all, these people claim to be "Dioists".. Well I think the real Dio would personally kick them in their *ss if he could, because they are not Dioists. Dioism is the most famous and one of the oldest religions of eRepublik and tbh I have a great deal of respect for Dio Brando and how he set up his whole thing, apart from the fact that I didn't really like his actions in this game, you can't be anything other than impressed because next to Dioism, there is no such huge and famous religion in this game.
Now on to the so called US Dioists, these people are members of the US SEES party, a party dislike by a lot of Americans. Due to the recent events and change in relation between our nations, these people seem to feel hurt in their own ego (a lot!) and what other way to settle this than attacking the one who hurt you. The whole point here is that a few of these SEES members have been US presidents who all claim that they have been "so kind to help India". Yes you have been very kind to help India and we do appreciate your help and respect, but what you fail to accept is the fact that India does not need the US for everything. You are not the important one to us, no matter how much you'd want it! And stealing Dioism? Come on that's just lame. Your just showing that you don't have any respect at all for something created by someone else. If you want to be cool, invent your own thing and make it big, don't try to ride on someone elses success like this.
This ladies and gentlemen is in my opinion the reason why we have all these trolls around our media and why these fake Dioists claim they will conquer us. Well let me tell you, the relationship between Pakistan and India may never have been that good, but I will fight for the real Pakistani people and the real ePakistan. SEEStan will fail!

EDEN / Phoenix / Asia
Another important thing. Even though we still don't know exactly what happened, Serbia did get through us and made it to the rest of Asia. What everyone should know is that India rejected the Serbian proposal twice and no one in India wanted Serbia to pass, Clueless can confirm this as he was there when we rejected. But as our president turned out to be inactive and we didn't get the chance to speak to him at all, we couldn't stop this and he was either hacked or made his own little deal with Serbia. But the point is, we cannot change this back, how much we'd want to, we can't.
Now there are people who scream that we should attack Serbia but if you ask me, that'd be one of the most stupid things to do and I have a few reasons for it. 1. We'd never win, 2. India and Serbia have become better friends in the last months and a war would completely ruin this, not to mention how Serbia would react if we do this. 3. It would help the SEES members in Pakistan, they'd be able to attack us easier because we would be busy with Serbia.
These reasons are enough for me to make me say no on an attack. It would be completely useless and most likely suicidal.
That second reason brings us to another thing I have heard a lot about, being Pro Alliance. Let me tell you, India is Pro India, just like we've always been in the past. We have been neutral for almost a year now and we're proud on that, even though not everyone wants to accept neutral countries.
To everyone who starts screaming that India is betraying EDEN 'n stuff like that, do you actually think clear? We've been called EDEN puppets and US puppets for months and months from Phoenix side, just because nations like Romania and Spain were usually more friendly towards us than most Phoenix countries. Now we have come to a point where we are in the position to strengthen our relationship with some Phoenix countries and immediately we are called traitors.. Helloo! Reality check! We are just improving our relationships, we're not marrying them or anything. We're just trying to get our relationship with some Phoenix countries to the same level of friendship as we already have had for months with some EDEN countries, is is bad to be friends? Because then you should go see a shrink in RL I think (no offense).

Presidential elections / Diplomacy School
To finish, I'd like to wish everyone who's running for eIndian presidency with good intentions good luck! To everyone who runs for bad reasons, you'll fail, so don't even try.
About the school I started earlier, I know it has been a little inactive lately, but I'm in my final year at school so I'm pretty busy (have to start a lot of projects/stuff) so please understand and have a little patience. Once everythings up and running I really want to pick things up again and go for it all the way. Also, I'd like to schedule just a little meeting soon, where we can discuss a little bit and I'd like to ask you some things. I'll message you soon hopefully!

And that's about it for today. Remember India, we are a country with a history of getting out of shit and we'll honor that history by doing it over and over again, no matter how much trouble we're in. We are survivors and we will stay alive, no matter what!

Jai Hind!
